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Fingers too fat for the Now button

Love SS 5 Plus!


But I inadvertently hit "Now" in the date/time box on a regular basis since it is so close to the other buttons. Then I have to start completely over and reset the time/date when planning future observing sessions.

Since I can't make my fingers skinnier, maybe you could move "Now" to make inadvertent presses less likely? Thanks.


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    Bill Tschumy

    What platform are you on and what kind of device? 

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    Jim Gallt

    I use both an iPhone and an iPad, both running iOS 10. I have the same problems with both hardware devices.

    A little more background:  I am preparing detailed weekly observing plans for the summer.  I will be conducting outreach sessions 3X or more per week at a family-style summer camp in the Rockies.  I have created a master observing list, and from that master list I create weekly observing plans by selecting (in advance) weekly objects based on their positions.  So I use the time step forward/step back buttons a lot. Many, many times I accidentally press the Now button when I was aiming for one of the time step buttons.  This causes me to have to reset the month, date, and time all over again (and cuss).

    IMO, it would be better to put the Now button someplace entirely different, and preferably not even in the dialog with the other time setting buttons.  In my experience, pressing the Now button (intentionally) is rarely done during the same SS5 use session as the time step buttons.  Although they both control the time, the Now button and the time step buttons have completely different purposes.


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    Bill Tschumy


    I just haven't heard that complaint from others.  If others "up vote" your request or post saying they agree, then we can consider it.

    My experience is very different from yours.  I continually use the time flow controls to change the time to look at something and them immediately tap Now to get back.

    There is just not a lot of room in the time flow panel to rearrange things.  We have carefully optimized this to work on iPhones and iPads.

    For your specific example, you might consider using the Time Settings panel to change the time/date.  If you are changing time with multiple taps in the time flow panel, the settings screen may be faster.  It will also prevent the accidental tap of Now.

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    Jim Gallt


    I'm not clear on the Time Settings Panel you refer to?  I have tried tapping the time/date field at the upper right of the screen, but nothing happens.  I get a pop-up panel for view scale/rotation.  But the only time flow controls I can find are displayed by touching the little clock icon along the bottom of the screen.

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    Bill Tschumy

    Go into Settings and tap the Date & Time item.

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    Jim Gallt



    Using these scrollers is not a solution for me because I cannot simultaneously view the sky and advance the time.

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    Bill Tschumy

    OK, I understand.  I will see if there is some easy fix that might help, but I'm not sure there will be.

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    Jim Gallt

    Thanks, Bill.  I appreciate the consideration.

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    As a sort of follow-on, could you add the ability to specify which "buttons" are and are not displayed on the "toolbar"? I too have fat thumbs and often find myself hitting a button I didn't want, particularly in the dark with cold fingers - if there were fewer buttons then they could perhaps be spaced out a little more.

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    Bill Tschumy

    It's a possibility.  I worry that it will generate more support issues with people wondering why they don't have "X" button.  I'll put it on the list  Are there particular buttons you never use?

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    I don't think I've ever used 'compass' in anger. And I don't use 'help' much either (now, maybe I should :). I don't use 'scope' as I don't have a GOTO mount. Otherwise I probably use all the buttons indoors. Outside however I think I would, if I could, just cut down to search/info/centre/settings and night.

    In an ideal world it would be nice to have a means of storing and recalling all settings (e.g. for inside and outside use) with the click of "one" button (presumably somewhere under Settings). Or for that matter n "configuration files" :) (Not quite sure if Save & Restore Settings lets me do that???).

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    Bill Tschumy

    On iOS you can rearrange buttons and that is stored in the settings.  This could be extended to hide buttons as well.  I've never implemented this in Android because it never seemed to be a very popular feature.

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    Jim Gallt


    Regarding the "now" button issue, I have a thought:  could a press of the screen area, upper right, where the in-effect date/time is displayed, bring up a dialog box that enables choosing "now"?

    I, too, would use the option to pare down the number of icons along the bottom if it were available.  First to go for me would be:

    • SkyWeek
    • Tonight
    • Orbit
    • Compass (tends to lock up on me)
    • Help

    The ability to rearrange them is a great help and I have shoved the non-starters over to the far right where they stay on the bench and out of my way ;-)


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    Bill Tschumy

    I think what you suggest would be too hidden and people wouldn't find it.  This is a very common operation.  

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    I use SkySafari 5 Plus on iPhone and iPad (and really love it).  I too feel Jim's frustration about the "Now" button.  I very often "tap-tap-tap" multiple times through the (single-step) time-forward or time-backward buttons, for example to search for the day of a conjunction, etc., or just to look at conditions around a certain date/time without invoking animation.  And it is just way too easy for the finger to slip and hit the "Now" button.

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