I want to add DLSR lenses to my equipment list so I can model the FOV through my DSLR for each lens. Adding the actual DLSR is easy but I am a bit confused about adding the lenses. When entering a telescope I enter the aperture and the focal ratio and it automatically computes the focal length. What should I do with DSLR lenses? For example, the Rokinon 14mm f 2.8. Should I just enter the aperture as 14mm and the focal ratio as 1 as that will spit out the focal length as 14mm?
Keiron Smith Official comment There is no facility to add DSLR lenses to SN right now.
The assumption is that you’re using it with a telescope, not just standalone with a lens.That said, it’s a decent feature request and something we can look into and, so, appropriately, we have moved this post to the Starry Night 7 Feature Requests forum.Thanks so much for your feedback! -
Tim Campbell The focal ratio (in this case 2.8) is the ratio of the lens focal length divided by the widest possible clear aperture diameter.
In other words 14 ÷ ? = 2.8.
You can turn that around and just do 14 ÷ 2.8 = 5
Your lens has a 5mm aperture diameter (at f/2.8).
Of course, it would be nice if we could enter just opt to enter the focal ratio instead of the diameter.
Keiron Smith Thanks, Tim!
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