In an attempt to visualize the vernal point, the crossing each year of ecliptic and celestial equator on 20 march (vernal equinox), I could by no means get this crossing on the right date. When I mark under “Grids” the celestial equator and the ecliptic path and under “Date and Time” for example year 2005 AD month 3 (march) day 20 with time 13.30 or 01 hour 30 minutes 0 sec PM and “Calendar system” automatic, then I should get the sun exact on the crossing of ecliptic and celestial equator. With my other programme Redshift this works perfect. But in my SkySafari 5 Pro for MAC not. The first crossing of the sun with those two paths is on may 16 on 01h:30m PM.
How is this possible? What did I do wrong? For me an riddle. Do you know why this happens or how I must do this wright?
Paul Schoenmakers