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SkySafari Pro | Are Meteor Shower Peak Times Exact? (Answer: Yes, To Within An Hour Or Two)

I was searching for the Draconids Meteor shower for 2017. To my surprise, it only listed the 2018 occurrence. How do I get an updated version of the SkySafari database? Oh, BTW, the topic I want to discuss (SkySafari 5 for Mac OS X is not there, so I selected iOS). Why do you make it so difficult to use the forum?


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    Keiron Smith Official comment


    Here is SkySafari | OS X Apps

    I'm not sure how you missed it.  It is the forum after "SkySafari | iOS" and "SkySafari | Android"





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    Keiron Smith

    Note, I am moving this post to the SkySafari | OS X forum.

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    I still don’t know how to update the database

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    Bill Tschumy

    The meteor showers are not updated and don't need to be as there are only small variations each year.  We always show the information for the Next Peak.  If you want to see the info for this years peak (which has already happened) you need to back time up to before it.

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    OK, I feel stupid; I don't remember what I was looking at, but you are right, the Draconids occurred in October. The one I was looking for was the Geminids Meteor Shower which is listed as coming up on Dec. 13. I am curious about the time of peak though, everywhere on the internet (I know, don't believe everything on the internet) says it is going to be on the 14th; SkySafari says Wed, Dec 13 @ 1:00am for my location (which is California). Now do I take that literally and head out to the desert on Tuesday Dec 12, or do I head out on Wednesday, Dec 13 and view on the 14th at 1:00am? I am also a member of Slooh and they use GMT with most of their times, is there a way to set my time to GMT as opposed to local? This may or may not fix my confusion, but it would be nice if the GMT feature was there.

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    Bill Tschumy

    The peak should be more or less exact.  Each year the Earth sweeps through a slightly different part of the debris stream so the actual peak could vary by and hour or two.

    You can can set you location to London to see events in that time.  You can also go into your Location settings and change the standard time zone to 0 hours offset.  That will make all time be displayed as GMT.

    If you just care about a particular event, you can alway see GMT (UTC) in the Time panel.  Go forward or backward in time until the UTC shows what you are looking for and then look at the correct local time.

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