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SkySafari 6 Pro | Help! I've Created (600+) Dulpicate Lists, Observations, Equipment, Sites, Etc

I am having serious issues with the way SS6 interacts with  I have SS6 installed on both an iPhone 8 and my old iPad 2 mini.  My lists and observations were being happily synchronised through iCloud.  I followed the instructions to transfer my lists, observations, equipment, sites, etc through iTunes file sharing from SS5 in my iPad2 to my PC and then back to the iPad in SS6 which went without a glitch.

Unfortunately when I did the same on my iPhone 8, the lists, observations, etc were duplicated on and everytime I connect I get more and more!   How can I do a bulk delete of lists and observations?  The interface for is not very user friendly... :-(   I have over 100 lists to delete now and over 3000 observations to edit/delete - I cannot be doing this manually, what am I doing wrong? 

Besides, when I try to delete a list that has observations I can't (!) because objects in the list are being referenced in the observations...




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    Jeffrey Wilson

    Similar issue for me, but the problem might be more generic.

    Followed the settings migration instructions, and I was able to get my 4+ observing lists into 6-pro (I was only concerned about the skylist files).  But...  After copying the skylist files to the desktop and then into iTunes' SSP6 folder and syncing, they disappeared from the file list. So I tried again.  Disappeared again.  Opening SkySafari, I have two copies of observing lists in SSP6.  ??When I try to delete the copy from within SSP6, I get:

    Cannot Delete "Fall". It is still referenced by 2 Observations

    Deleting those observations from the copy did not clear the error.  Deleting all entries for that observation list did not clear the error.  Deleting all entries for both "Fall" lists still can't clear the error.  I cannot seem to get rid of the imported lists.

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    Roberto Botero

    I’m glad (but also sad?) I’m not alone. Reverting to SS5 for now.

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    Bill Tschumy


    What you did wrong was to import the lists on the two devices.  You only need to do it once and they are then shared across all devices using the same LiveSky account.

    I agree that the situation you are in can be frustrating.  Perhaps we should have a "Delete it anyway" button.  We are trying to make sure people are aware that deleting something that is referenced by something else (like an observing list references by an observation) may not be what you want.

    Let me discuss this with the rest of the team and see if we can't clean up your account in the meantime.

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    Bill Tschumy


    The list disappear because SkySafari 6 is not a file-based system.  When we import into LiveSky we delete the files out of the documents directory because the information is now stored in a database.  I should clarify that in our description of how to import from SS5.

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    Roberto Botero

    Thank you. I understand what happened now. Unfortunately it is not possible for me to delete the 600+ observations that do not let me edit my lists. Is there a way of removing all files from my account and start again?

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    Bill Tschumy


    Right now we would need to be the ones to clean out your account.  If you can send me your "Cloud Storage ID" found in the Settings > Account screen, we can do that for you.

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    Roberto Botero

    Thank you. To your personal email, I assume?

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    Roberto Botero

    Or through the requests?

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    Bill Tschumy

    Yeah, that would be fine.  In reality, there is little (if any) risk in letting others see your Cloud Storage ID.  They cannot do anything with it without direct access to the database.

    You can send it to: "bill at simcur dot com"

    I can't promise we will get to it in the next few days.  The person that needs to do this is on holiday vacation (but he might find the time).

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    Roberto Botero

    Completely understand. Thank you and Happy Holidays!


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