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SS6 Real Time Is Hard To Read? (Answer: Read On!)

In the MacOS App, The "real time" in the upper left corner is difficult to read (reversed white type) and small. When you don't have the App selected - it's darker and easier to read. Why are the 2 other times that 95% of normal users don't use highly visible, but the real time is hard to read? The attached is enlarged 3-4x so much easier than on the screen.

Who uses these besides maybe Astronomy Professors?
Local Sidereal Time: Oh 11m 31s
UTC: Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:54:38 PM

1 comment

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    Keiron Smith


    SS6 has been like this for many years and you are the first to show disappointment about the UI in this way.

    At this time, SS6 is not going to be changed.  However, in the future, developers will release SS7 for MacOS, and we will have beta-testing, and you are welcome to join the testing and share your feedback, helping to shape the end result.

    SS7 for MacOS is not yet under development, so it may be sometime.  But, when SS7 beta testing begins you will receive a notification.


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