Hello and help !I managed to connect my wifi celestron 8 telescope to my mac book air in direct wifi. In skysafari 6 plus, the connection is also established and the alignment procedure begins, but everything freezes very quickly. as soon as I pilot the mount with the arrows appearing on the screen to align on a bright star as requested, the "enter" button which must be pressed to validate the alignment is systematically grayed out and inaccessible. On the other hand, if I do not touch the steering buttons of the mount, I can skip star stages 1, 2, and 3 because the "enter" and "align" buttons remain active. What to do ? THANKS
philippe buysschaert I just tested the same procedure from skyportal on my android smartphone and everything works fine. On my mac book air m1, simply pressing the arrows to control the mount completely freezes the application, so I can't align my mount.
Keiron Smith Philipe,
Please see here:
philippe buysschaert thanks, i check and come back if necessary
philippe buysschaert Sorry Keiron, but your proposal doesn't match the problem I'm having. once my mount (Celestron Wifi) connected to Skysafari 6 plus installed on mac book air m1, as soon as I touch the arrows (which are on each side of the screen) everything freezes. These arrows appear during the alignment procedure (connect and align) but also after simply connecting to pilot your mount.
Keiron Smith What is your Scope Type setting?
philippe buysschaert here are the parameters used
philippe buysschaert Hello Keiron, i have the same problem with sky portal installed on my mac book air M1
Keiron Smith Philipe,
SkyPortal is not available for MacOS.
And, this screenshot is not from SKySafari 6 Plus on MacOS.
Please provide a screenshot for MacOS.
Also, please try to a direct USB-to-USB-Mini connection from your MacBook to your Celestron hand controller.
It is possible there is an issue with the Celestron WiFi network.
Get Your Data Transfer USB-A-To-USB-Mini Cable For Celestron USB Mounts Here (Amazon Link Inside)
philippe buysschaert Keiron,
I assure you that the screenshot comes from Skysafari 6 plus installed on my mac book air (see attachment)
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philippe buysschaert i'll try your solution with a direct USB-to-USB-Mini connection from my MacBook to my Celestron hand controller. but i bought skysafari for the wifi link and not to use with a usb cable.
I don't understand when you said t "is possible there is an issue with the Celestron WiFi network." Can you explain, please ?
Keiron Smith Well, I am surprised to find the iOS/iPad version available in the Mac App Store.
We develop SkySafari separately for MacOS. So, the iOS/iPadOS version of SS6 Plus is not officially supported. And, I think this may have something to do with the Celestron WiFi failure.
I will follow up with you via a private ticket.
philippe buysschaert Thanks Keiron, I await your news. If there is another version (5, 7?) of skysafari valid on mac os, I'm interested. Thanks !