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Will Sky Safari 7 iOS Add Support For Celestron StarSense Auto-Guider? (Answer: Probably - Read On!)

Will Sky Safari Version 7 iOS have support for the new Celestron StarSense Autoguide device?  I'm at Version 7 Pro 7.2.0 (1096)
I also have the Celestron StarSense Align device, and Sky Safari 7 works wonderfully with it.   I know the Autoguide is really new and I'm probably one of the first users.
By the way, Sky Safari is wonderful for planning my observing sessions, controlling the scope and documenting them.  Thank you for making such a great product.


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    Keiron Smith


    This is a question for Celestron.  We do not decide what Celestron StartSense features and functionality are supported in SS7.  Celestron decides - and they also write and maintain the code for it.  We just add it to the app when it is ready.

    That said, I will guess the answer to your question is, more than likely, yes.  But, I have no idea about any ETA at this time.


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    Bill Schrier

    Thanks for the fast response Keiron.   I didn't realize this was a Celestron responsibility.  I'll bug them about it.


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