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SkyFi will not connect to telescopes using safari pro 7- what else to try?

I have 2 scopes , Meade ETX 90 and LX200 GPS, both scopes will not connect to skyfi using sky safari pro7. Error reported as app connects to Skyfi but cannot connect to scopes on iPhone


So far I have checked the following and now at a loss what else to check - any help appreciated.

- iPhone connected to Skyfi signal

- Scopes have been correctly set up and aligned

- App has ETX 60-125, and LX 200 GPS profiled and appropriate one selected when trying to connect

-Serial port connected through my cable - this cable can connect to same RS232 ports when using Meade autostar suite and connects fine.

- Error log shows initiation of contact by Skyfi with 0 errors and a response of -13 on each message, this happens 3 x with about 2 secs in-between then reports failure to connect.

- Green led blinks once approx every 2 secs then error reported.

- The same problem occurs with iPad







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    All I can think of is that one of your SkySafari-7 mount or WiFi settings is wrong.  Make sure SS-7 is properly set to connect to your SkyFi-III.  I don't have any Meade mounts or iOS devices, so can't I can't suggest any specifics there.

    If you have multiple mount presets (as I do) make sure you have the correct one selected.  And go in and check what you think is the proper preset and make sure it's all correct.  For example, "Alt-Az GoTo" and your WiFi Connection.  I have "Auto-Detect" set for mine.  And on the last setup page I do NOT have "Set Time & Location" selected.


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    Thanks for your comment Woody. 


    It is a SkyFi unit not SkyFi 3 but your comments are still valid. I have unfortunately checked these things including protocol, selection of mount and have tried with set time and location both on and off without success. Even reset the unit and set everything back up again but still an issue somewhere. Does anyone know the latest firmware so I can reload it and try that?

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    Oh, SkyFi. That could be the problem. As I recall, there are three versions of SkyFi.
    Original SkyFi, SkyFi USB, SkyFi-III. And somewhere I think I read that the original no longer works because either WiFi protocols or security has changed.
    I'm pretty sure the SkyFi USB still works. I have one of each, but they're at home and I'm on-the-road.
    If your unit has a USB port it's the SkyFi USB version. If no USB port, then it's the original.
    Hopefully somebody will confirm if the original really no longer works. Or how to make it work.

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    It just says SkyFi on the box and has both a usb and a modem type port.

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    Keiron Smith


    Make sure you are using a Meade-specific serial cable.

    Make sure you are plugging the serial cable into the correct port on your Meade mount (read the manual).

    Attach a screenshot of the error message.

    Attach a photo of your setup.

    Provide SkySafari app and version info (see Help > scroll to the bottom), OS version(s) and device make(s) and model(s).



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    Keiron Smith

    Thanks, Woody, for your help too!

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    Thanks Keiron will update as you requested and take some pics first thing tomorrow. 

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    Posted response but could not see it so reposting

    Hi Kieron,

    Meade 505 cable being used and is the correct one for Meade autostar handset #497 - box in picture

    Skyfi plugged via 505 cable into handbox left port which is correct for this unit

    Error message


    Sky Safari app: SySafari Pro7.3.0 (1101)

    SCOPE: ETX90 firmware 44Ec

    Also checked cable wiring from Skyfi end to HBX end all seems ok with Ground/Rx/Tx continuity.

    Beginning to suspect unit has developed a fault.



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    Keiron Smith

    I don't understand the SkyFI USB connection.  Where does the USB cable go from SkyFI USB port-A?

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    It is for scopes which have a USB interface rather than the RS232. Mine do not so it is not used in my set up.


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    Keiron Smith


    Where did you get this cable?

    If you want to reinstall the firmware, see here:

    But, I think this is a cabling issue.  The SkyFi is working.


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    Hi Kieron,


    Thanks for the message. This cable is the original as supplied by SIMULATION CURRICULUM and not altered or repaired in any way.

    When I tested with my friends unit we also swopped the cables just to test and his unit with my cable was working. The failure to communicate with the scope is isolated to the Skyfi box in my opinion after this set of substitution tests.

    When you say the Skyfi is working is there some info that I am missing? It does create a server and comms with I phone but RS232 seems down with scope. 

    Thanks for the firmware link I will try that and report back. 

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    Keiron Smith

    This messages says SS7 is talking successfully to SkyFi.  So, the issue is "probably" with the cable, or with the preset or with the mount(s).

    Skyfi with 0 errors and a response of -13 means SS7 is communicating but the mount does not reply.

    Are you using the same hand controller on both mounts?  Or you have two different hand controllers?

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    Keiron Smith

    If you can successfully control the mount(s) with the same setup, but using another SkyFi device then the issue is not with the mounts.

    It might be that SkyFi (the one you have) does not work with SS7.  But, SkyFi 3 does.  Unfortunately, we no longer sell SkyFi 3.

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    During fault diagnosis both are usb SkyFi units not skyfi 3 i.e. the same type used for swapping out and the one worked with SS7.

    I only have 1 skyfi unit and use a different cable when I connect to my LX200


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    I tried to update with null modem adapter supplied with unit and in programming mode (no lights but powered up), but would not communicate with SKYFi. 

    Can this unit be rep[aired by Simulation Curriculum

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    Keiron Smith

    Sorry, Dave, we do not repair the units.

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    Okay if you do not repair please could you supply me the circuit diagram for me to diagnose.

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    Keiron Smith

    Sorry, Dave, this info is not available.

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