If you are blogging about Starry Night or astronomy in general please share a link to your blog here!
Bob Hello,
I have a website that is useful for logging observations, generating observing lists that include what is left to observe in list published by the Astronomical League, RASC, SAA, etc. It also has useful reviews and recommendations of products for amateur astronomers and free monthly newsletter.
Please come by and visit http://www.AstronomyLog.com
منذر الشيباني Hi,
I've been using starry night since long time now.. Feel free to visit my blog @ http://www.AstrOceanOmy.com
Clear Skies,
Bob I also create this newsletter, using graphics I create using Starry Night Pro: New Moon Reporter http://aslg.us/nmr
I'm pretty grateful to Geoff Gaherty for his articles on creating graphics for the web. I'm not as good as him yet, but he's been very helpful.
Geoff Gaherty I now have two blogs. The first is the monthly Sky Events file I prepare for Starry Night Times and Space.com:
The second is an online version of my observing log book, now at session #1496, though only my last 27 sessions are online:
Geoff Gaherty
Foxmead Observatory
Steve Beyer Hi,
You might like to view my blog and other sky features at:
Best wishes,
Bob Riddle I'd like to join the ranks of the 'Bobs' in this group!!
Que tal in the Current Skies - http://currentsky.com
I also have been teaching and using the program for a long time - since the Backyard version. I use the graphics for my web site and often for the illustrations in my monthly astronomy column - Scope on the Skies, in Science Scope Magazine.
Check out the panoramas I made for Starry Night using the game Skyrim. LInk is on my website home page
Clear Skies...
Bob Riddle