New post

Import data from Skytools 3

Originally from ticket #5390.

The problem that I have is: I used "SKYTOOLS 3" in the pass. After I purchased my MacBook, I was running this software with another software called "Parallel" (Software that allows me to run Windows base software seamlessly on my Mac and works very well.

The Skytool software was working relatively well (It's a Windows base software) but was sometime unstable. It is then that I decided to invest into an "Apple Base" software. (Such as Starry Night)

Before removing the software (Skytool) I exported 10 years + of data and notes into a disk figuring that I could import all this data into Starry night software. I cannot find any option in the software that would allow me to do this.

Can this be done?


Denis Tremblay


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    Dave Whipps


    There are several ways to import different data into Starry Night, but it really depends what you're talking about. Starry Night doesn't have an "import from SkyTools" function, if that's what you're asking. What are the files? How would you like to use them in Starry Night?

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    Good evening Dave,

    Skytool3 has a feature where you can "Export" observation log files. (Notes taken by the user regarding his/her observation).(I had for approximately 10 years worth)

    Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to import these log files into Starry night....:-(

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    Dave Whipps


    If you send me a sample of your observing logs, I'll see if there's a way I can figure out how to get them into SN.

    - Dave

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    Good evening Dave,

    This is an example of a log back up (It should be empty since I don't want to broadcast my own notes) from Skytools.

    Let me know if you have move questions? I hope the file makes sense to you...


    Denis Tremblay 
    45 08 30 N 
    76 09 27 W 

    On 2012-04-09, at 9:47 AM, Simulation Curriculum Corp. wrote:

    > Import data from Skytools 3 
    > There is a new comment in topic Import data from Skytools 3. 

    > Dave Whipps 

    > Denis, 

    > If you send me a sample of your observing logs, I'll see if there's a way I can figure out how to get them into SN. 

    > - Dave 

    > You are receiving this comment notification because you subscribed to updates in "Import data from Skytools 3" 

    > Unsubscribe from these messages 

    > This email is a service from Simulation Curriculum Corp.

    skytools backup 2012 Apr 10 

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    Dave Whipps


    You would first need to export the logs in some delimited (e.g. Comma Delimited / CSV) format, then we can look at somehow getting them into SN format. The files that you attached are in a binary format that Starry Night cannot read.

    - Dave

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    Here is an example of a Log file from Skytool....

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    Good evening,


    Should I consider this matter closed and impossible to do? or is somebody working on it?

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    Dave Whipps


    Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that we don't have an automatic import function.

    The good news is that with a bit of work (and some knowledge of computer scripting) you can probably get these into Starry Night yourself.

    If you or a friend are willing and able to do a bit of work, I'd be happy to guide you in getting this done.

    - Dave

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    Hey Dave,

    This is actually good new to me....I am sure I could do it myself if a set of instruction can be sent to me...

    I am assuming that I would have to merge a couple of text files here...If they can be pointed out to me (which), I a willing to put the time and effort to it...(In my case, it would have to be done once only anyway)

    I am looking forward to hear from you again...


    Denis Tremblay 
    45 08 30 N 
    76 09 27 W

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