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Has the FOV overlay for various focal length optics not been included in SNPP7 as it was in SNPP6?

I am an astrophotographer and used SNPP6 often to plan my imaging sessions.  The one thing in SNPP6 I used the most was the different FOV overlays, which represented the FOV from various focal length optics, both camera lenses and telescopes.  Using that saved me much time because I knew the FL of the optic I needed to use from that feature.  It NEVER let me down!!!

I cannot find that most useful tool in SNPP7.  Is it there, and I'm just missing it, or has it been deleted in this upgrade?  If it's the latter, then I'm going back to SNPP6 because SNPP7 becomes almost useless to me.


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    Michael Smutko

    I would also like to know how to restore this feature.  The FOV overlays for different CCDs/eyepieces were extremely useful for planning observing and V7 doesn't seem to have a way of displaying them the way that V6 did.

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    It seems to be hidden (why I don't know) - if you search for "FOV" in the search bar in SNPP7 then it will show them in the right panel.  You can also add them, but you have to click on the three horizontal bars - so clicking on the ones next to existing entries allow you to edit / delete, but clicking on the horizonal bars of the parent level allows you to add.  Very poor UI design.

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    Michael Smutko

    Thanks, Greg!  I *never* would have found that!  Poor UI indeed.

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