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What Cable Should I Use To Connect SkySafari (iOS) + SkyWire + Orion Intelliscope Telescope (Answer: Get Orion 5222 IntelliScope to PC RS-232 Connector Cable)

I tried connecting the skywire to an Orion Dobsonian Intelliscope but the application quits/crashes. Here's the setup and versions:
iphone SE ios 11.2.5
Orion XT12g with Intelliscope vresion 1.5
SKy Safari version

Sky Safari setting is set to Orion Intelliscope with mount type ALt-Az Push-To

I'm using the Nexstar RS232 PC interface cable to connect from the sky wire (says it's connected) to the Intelliscope.

After pushing the connect button under telescope the application disappears and needs to be launched again.


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    Bill Tschumy

    You say you are using a NexStar Serial cable.  This is not the same as an Intelliscope serial cable. The pins are wired totally differently.  You will need to get the correct cable.  That said, I am a bit surprised it would crash the application.

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    Thanks for the follow-up and it does look like I ordered the wrong cable where a null modem wouldn't help. I've ordered a Orion 5222 IntelliScope to PC RS-232 Connector Cable and will let you know if that helps. Here's some information that I found on the different RS-232 cables.

    The RS232 port on the top of the controller does not use the same pinouts as either the Meade Autostar, or the Celestron NexStar.   Pin 1 from the Orion computer is RS232 transmit, which should be connected to pin 2 of a standard PC DB-9 connector.   Pin 2 from the Orion computer is RS232 recieve, which should be connected to pin 3 of the DB-9.   pin 3 from the Orion computer is ground, which should be connected to pin 5 of the DB-9.

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    Bill Tschumy

    Almost every scope manufacturer uses their own different pinouts.  God only knows why.  This page has the pinouts of the most popular mounts.


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    Waiting for the Orion cable I decided to use the Celestron NexStar cable with a GE 12FT handset cord from Staples for <$5 (P/N 86175.) It's now a very robust setup and the SkySafari application works great with my iPad or iPhone when connected to the Intelliscope.  Here were the wiring connections that allowed this Frankenstein setup to work with the Orion Intelliscope:

    GE Handset Cord        NexStar

    Green                         White

    Red                             Red

    Yellow                         Black

    My iphone must have been having issues the first day since the SkySafari application hasn't crashed since even when the RS-232 was wired incorrectly. Thanks again for the support.

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    I might be late chiming in on this but the Orion 5222 cable works fine with my 10" & 14" Orion IntelliScope. When I called Orion the technical person told me that part number no longer shows on their parts list. Huh? It's online on their site. Anyway, I ordered mine from Amazon and it is the exact same cable. In fact the plastic sleeve it's packaged in has Amazon's part number but underneath is an Orion sticker, with Orion's part number so I know it's the same cable. See my short review of the cable on Amazon's site.

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