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Is It Possible To Delete Or Redo One Or More Alignment Stars Without Starting A New Alignment? (Answer: No, There Is No Way To Update A Single Alignment Operation.  Restart Over If You Inadvertently Align On The Wrong Star)

1. Is it possible to delete or redo one or more alignment stars without starting a new alignment? 

     2. (If yes), if 3 or more stars are used, and the alignment isn't satisfactory, is it possible to determine which star is causing the most trouble?

     3. To start a new alignment, is it necessary to close and restart SkySafari?

Thank you for your help!

Lookin' up,



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1 comment

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    Bill Tschumy


    No, there is no way to update a single alignment operation.  You will have to restart over if you inadvertently aligned on the wrong star.


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