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SiTech | Can SkySafari Pro Turn On Two Star Align At Any Place (i.e. SCP) And Will GoTo Buttons Work?


I am about to receive a HubbleOptics UL20 with Sitech I Servo, I was told that SkySafari was working in a way to star align the Sitech.

Because I live in South hemisphere and my SCP (instead of NCP) is not easy to locate , and my home blocks it, I can´t start Sitech pointing at SCP as requested.

So is it possible to turn it on at any place and redo a 2 star alignment using SkySafari?

Also does its GOTO button works ok with Sitech?

Sitech Info is very confusing, lots of docs but lacks of clear step by step guides....thank you for your kindly support


best wishes




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    Tim DeBenedictis Official comment

    Hi ariel,

    I'm assuming your mount is an Alt-Az GoTo mount, not equatorial.  If so, then there is no need to point at the NCP or SCP when doing an alignment.  You can simply align on 2 (or more) bright stars.

    The GoTo button works if your SiTech controller has motors installed.  If there are encoders only (but no motors) attache to the SiTech controller, then GoTos will not do anything.  For this case, you should select "Alt-Az Push-To" (instead of "Alt-Az GoTo" for the mount type.

    Agreed with your experience - there are many variations of hardware/software that can work with the SiTech controller.  It's a lot of work to get them all working right together, but the combination is very powerful in the end!


  • 0
    ariel desseno

    thank you Tim!

    Thats right; i ordered Sitech I with motors and also scope encoders. I was told by Hubbleoptics that I must initialize scope at NCP or SCP, so your info is great news for me!

    Will try as soon as I receive them


    best regards



  • 0
    ariel desseno

    Hi Tim


    I received the scope, installed SiTech with encoders and motors.  But I cannot make it run properly when connected to SkySafary (through SkyFi and iPad).

    If I move the scope to any star and then select same star at SkySafary and press "Align" or "Connect", then the star start to drift from the crosshairs both in the SkySafari and in the scope, motors are not following it, in fact, motors are not doing anything.

    Any clue?

    best regards



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    Tim DeBenedictis


    Please tell me exactly what version of SkyFi you have (version 3 or 2) and how it is connected to the SiTech controller (USB or RS-232).  Also let me know what version of the SiTech controller you have.

    Recently (monday!) I discovered a problem with the SkyFi 3 and older SiTech controllers with RS-232 serial connections.


  • 0
    ariel desseno

    Hi Tim, thank you for the fast reply!

    I use a SkyFi II, it is conected to SiTech through RS232.

    I can move the scope using both its own hand control and the arrows on SkySafari.

    My doubt is: when I Sync (Align or Connect) the SkySafari with the SiTech, does the SkySafari send the star coordinates to SiTech so it can remap its real position?

    SiTech is suposed to be aligned to NCP or SCP before turning power on, but I was told there is a way to avoid that Synching with SkySafari


    hope its clear, best regards



  • 0
    Tim DeBenedictis


    "Connect" in SkySafari does not perform an alignment.  It only establishes communication with the telescope controller.  You should point the telescope at a known star, select that star in SkySafari, and tap "Align" in SkySafari.  That lets SkySafari understand where the telescope is pointing when you move it.

    What mount type do you have selected in SkySafari?  If it is a "push-to" mount, SkySafari will only read the position of the axis encoders.  It will not use the motor encoders at all, and will not move the mount.  For SkySafari to use the motors, make sure you select a "Go-To" mount type.  If you have a Hubble Optics dobsonian-type mount, you should select "Alt-Az GoTo" as the mount type.

    Does that help?


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