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SkySafari 6 Pro | Lumicon Sky Vector Fails To Slew Properly After Push-To Alignment (Answer: Use Correct Cable?)

I've managed to get SkyFi to work with my Argo Navis DSC, and the Orion IntelliScope as well, but cannot get it to work properly with a  Lumicon Sky Vector. I've tried numerous Mount Type: Alt-AZ Push-To settings. The two connect by it's way off on the SkySafari sky map, like 100-degrees or  more. Normally the encoder settings on the Lumicon device itself are AZ  -5120 & ALT -5120 for my 4000-step encoders. I've tried 5120 and well as 4000 setting in SkySafari, even trying (+) instead of (-), and reversing those; nothing works. I also tried Get Automatically on the Encoder Steps Per Revolution settings in SkySafari. When doing so, then the Lumicon and SkyFi don't connect at all. 

Has anyone managed to get their Lumicon Sky Vector, Celestron AstroMaster or JMI NGC Max to work? They're all made by Tangent Instruments. I really like the unit and would like to get it working. 



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    Bill Tschumy


    I use a Celestron AstroMaster for testing all the time.  I have never had a problem.  Are you doing a star alignment in SkySafari?  I think you need to do that before it will correctly show the position.  I never align from the DSC itself.  I will double check on that though.


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    Bill Tschumy

    Kent, I have verified that you need to do a star alignment in SkySafari before we can present the scope's location correctly.  All we get back from the Lumicon Sky Vector is the raw encoder values as the scope is moved around.  We never get an RA/Dec from it.

    So, after connecting, point the scope to a star and select the same star in SkySafari and then tap Align.  Do this to at least one other star.  You can align on up to 10 stars if desired.

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    I tried that last night, aligning on Arcturus and then Procyon. As I moved the scope, in this case towards Gemini it shows I was in Leo.
    Here's what I did. Using the Lumicon Sky Vector I set the scope vertical and pushed Enter on the Lumicon. Then I aligned the two stars with SkySafari. I tried many combinations, nothing worked.
    SkySafari 5
    IPhone iOS 9.3.5
    Lumicon Sky Vector
    Encoders 4000
    Set encoder value -5120, -5120. That setting works fine on the DSC by themselves.

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    Bill Tschumy

    When you tapped Align on the first star, did the on-screen reticle jump to the star you are aligning on?  If so I just don't see how it could be pointing in a totally different direction.  If it didn't then are you sure the correct star was selected in SkySafari before tapping Align?

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    It jumped to both the 1st star Arcturus and the 2nd star, Procyon. I don't know what else to try.

    Fortunately SkyFi works great with the Argo Navis. Unfortunately with that system I can't align during the night from SkySafari, I have to do it through the Argo, which is a bit of a pain finding the object in its catalog, then spinning the dial to ALIGN.

    The Orion IntelliScope/SkyFi work great. I can align with SkySafari


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    Bill Tschumy

    So after alignment, it was correctly pointed at the second (last) star?  But as you move the scope, the on-screen reticle didn't follow where the scope was moving?

    Does the reticle just move in the opposite direction?  In that case you need to reverse the sign on one of the encoder resolution values.

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    I checked that, too. Yes, everything is moving in the correct direction. Here's something: as I moved about 1-degree or so from Arcturus SkySafari said I was on M3, which is much further away.

    I tried aligning Arcturus and a the end handle star in UMA. Then a got a Command Failure stating my alignment target it too close to the previous alignment target, which actually makes sense.

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    Bill Tschumy

    Your first comment makes me thing the value of the encoder resolution is incorrect.  I know you said that the -5120, -5120  setting works fine on the DSC by themselves, but that's what that behavior would imply.  If all the directions are accurate but the amount of motion is off (say double in all directions) then this resolution must not be correct.

    Yes, the objects must be sufficiently distant from each other or an accurate model can't be built. 

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    I tried -4000 & -4000. Do you suppose I should change the encoder rate on the Lumicon DSC as well as SkySafari? Last night I left the DSC at -5120/-5120 but changed the value to -4000/-4000 on SkySafari while testing to try to get it to work.

    Thanks for taking all the time with this issue.

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    Bill Tschumy

    I don't think the values needs to be changed on the DSC, but I don't understand why they would be different.  In all cases I've seen, you would use the same value in the SkySafari as is used in the DSC.

    It doesn't make sense that you should have to guess at this.  Your documentation should say what your encoder resolution is.

    You should be able to test this during the day.  Don't worry about alignment.  If you move the scope 90º in azimuth, how far does it move on the screen?  Half?  Twice?

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    I still couldn't get it to work. Perhaps I'm using a wrong cable. Currently I'm using the same cable as the Argo Navis. Could a wrong cable cause my problem? It does connect, and does respond when I move the scope; just wrong.

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    Bill Tschumy

    No, I wouldn't expect cable to cause this kind of problem.  If you are using the wrong cable it usually won't connect at all.  However, this is a few strange problem and possibly some incorrect wiring might cause the problem.


    This page on our site says what the pin-outs should be for various mounts.

    It looks like the Argo and the Sky Vector (Celestron Others*) are slightly different.  Maybe they are close enough to allow connection but still cause your problem.  I'm not sure what else it could be.

    I believe ScopeStuff might sell the cable you need for a reasonable price.

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