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How To View The Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram In Sky Safari 6 for iOS?

I made an in-app purchase for the HR Diagram in Sky Safari 6 for iOS.  It is not readily apparent in the UI how to view the HR Diagram for a given star. 

How do I go about viewing the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram in Sky Safari 6 for iOS?  I'm using an iPhone 7 Plus if that's relevant.



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    Matt Hjelle Official comment

    Hi guys,


    Thanks for the purchases!


    Settings -> Display Options.  The bottom choice.



  • 0
    Fulvio Anselmi

    Also I have the same issue. What's wrong?

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    Fulvio Anselmi

    I' using iPad4 with IOS 10.3.3

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    Fulvio Anselmi

    Thanks. But it is not what I supposed. I was thinking of a diagram in the Info section of the selected star... so it is very huge, very intrusive in the main window. Good idea but bad design IMHO. It's a pity.

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    Steve Siedentop

    Hi Matt -

    Thanks for the quick turn around.  I notice the Sun is absent from the HR Diagram when in the FOV and selected.  Are there plans to include the Sun?  This would be very useful for outreach.


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    Gary Carter

    I finally got around to adding the In-App purchases for SkySafari 6 and tried playing with the interactive H-R diagram today. At first I as surprised by the lack of any documentation to explain how it worked but I soon realized that is was plotting stars based upon my FOV, however, it is really only plotting a subset of the stars in the FOV, and I cannot figure out how it decides which stars to plot. I found the Help->Settings->H-R Diagram Help, however, the tool isn't working as advertised.

    When I selected and centered La Superba for example, there are about 40 stars plotted on the H-R Diagram within the same 4.1° FOV of my 80mm Finder scope, however La Superba isn't one of them. I selected the stars on the H-R diagram and each was then located on the star chart. Selecting La Superba, however, does not plot it on the H-R Diagram. Who or what decided which stars can be plotted and which cannot? If I can't use the "Interactive" H-R diagram to show where a star of my choosing falls in the diagram, then this is a pretty limited In-App utility!

    Edit: I guess my first choice of stars was a somewhat unique situation. I have continued to play with the feature and determined that for most stars this feature works, however, there are a few random stars that fail to plot in the H-R Diagram for some unknown reason. RR Lyr is another example of this behavior.

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    Dave Stancil

    H-R add-on downloaded but won't install.  "Restore Purchases" doesn't seem to help.  Deleting app and reinstalling doesn't help, either.  Ideas?


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    Bill Tschumy

    There is documentation on the H-R Diagram feature.  It is in Help > Settings Help >H-R Digram Help.

    The diagram window is resizable and movable.  Tap and drag the edges or corners to resize.  Tap and drag the center to move.

    I can se about adding the Sun to the diagram.

    Not all the stars in the database have the necessary info to be plotted on the H-R diagram.  I believe we are plotting at least all the Tycho and HR stars.  I can try to get a better characterization if it is critical.

    Dave, not sure why you are having issues.  There is no "download" so what do you mean when you say it downloaded?  The label in the store should say "Purchased" if this purchase happened correctly.  Only the UCAC5 and PGC extensions have a download.  They will say "Downloaded" rather than "Purchased"

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    Alan Rockowitz

    I agree with the others re the implementation. I think it should be a 3rd page after you click on "info". I'm using it on an iPhone 8+, and the diagram is always in the way.

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    Bill Tschumy

    If the H-R Diagram is only shown in the Info, does it only show for the selected object?  I think it is important to have it on the main screen so you can pan the chart and see it change.  I agree it might be good to also show it on the Info page and only plot the selected star.

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    Steve Siedentop

    Hi Bill -

    I was able to view the HR Diagram and generally like the implementation.  I restarted my phone (iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 11.4) and in spite of the HR Diagram being enabled in Settings, it no longer appears.  Is this a known issue that's already being worked on?


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    Bill Tschumy

    No, this is *not* a known issue.  All I can think of is that the diagram is off screen.   If you rotate between portrait and landscape does that help?

    I did have a bug in the initial release of the H-R diagram where I didn't prevent the left edge of the diagram from being dragged to the right of the right edge (effectively turning the rectangle inside-out).  This was fixed in an update.  Make sure you are running 6.1.2.  You could also try reinstalling the app to get it back.  If you are using a Live Sky account, all your data will be restored when you re-log into the account after a re-install.

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    Steve Siedentop

    Hi Bill -

    No change when I rotate the screen.  I'll uninstall and reinstall tonight when I'm on a WiFi connection and provide an update.


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    Steve Siedentop

    Hi Bill -

    Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed it.  Unfortunately Imcant give you any information on what actions I took that resulted in that state.


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    Bill Tschumy

    I just noticed that we haven't released the fix that prevents you from turning the H-R diagram rectangle inside-out.  I'm sure that was the problem.  We are going to release a new version pretty soon that will have that fix.

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    Alan Rockowitz

    What does "aside-out" mean?

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    Bill Tschumy

    Sorry, that should be "inside-out".  I have corrected it.  I am referring to the situation where you have dragged the right edge past the left edge (or bottom above the top).

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