Hello Heiron,
I am please to be using the newly released 7.6.4 version of Starry Night Pro Plus. Skyguide appears to be working as it should, but I have not had a chance yet to test it fully.
I have noticed that the "Home" button in the top left corner is still somewhat grayed out. Will this be resolved soon?
Some features I hope will be in the next release for those people who have Macs and are running Mac OSX Mojave using "Dark Mode." This would be a stunning feature in Starry Night Pro to be able to support "Dark Mode."
Is it possible for this feature to be implemented very soon?
Also I would like to be able to create animations with the Dates and Times feature set visible like in older versions of Starry Night.
Thats it for now. Keep up the good work. I love Starry Night Pro Plus.
Have a great day,
Andre Ficklin