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Starry Night Pro 7 | iOptron CEM25P Connection Fail (macOS Mojave)

Hi !

I try to connect my CEM25P mount to StarryNight 7 pro.

When configuring in "Telescope and communication" panel, in "communication settings" the connection menu choice is "Bluetooth-Incoming-Port" or "SkyFi, Wifi or Ethernet (TCP/IP)". Both of them don't connect with the scope, which seems normal for my scope is connected to my iMac (Mojave) through a RS232-to-usb wire (the wire works well with another app), as said by the User's Manual (p. 105 of the French edition).

Could you tell me where is my error ?

Thank you in avance.



  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Philippe, 

    You need to see "USBserial" as Connection Type option.  Not having the option means the correct driver is not installed.  You must install a driver compatible with your specific version of macOS.  Please see here:


  • 0
    Philippe Reverdiau

    Hi !

    Thank you for your answer.
    I Install the driver for my usb-to-rs232, so in StarryNight, I can connect to the port usbserial US2ZE328. Then, I hit the button "connect" and obtain the message : "an error has occurred while trying to communicate with the scope. Ensure …"

    Without modifying the connection cable, neither the mount, I can drive the mount with the application Astromaster & Indigo server. I tried Indigo server with StarryNight, but same answer.

    Could you help me ?

    Thanks in advance.


  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Philippe,

    Do you have "USBserial" as a Connection Type option?

    Apologies, I meant to link you to this discussion:

    See the USBserial option?  Do you have that?


  • 0
    Philippe Reverdiau

    Hello !

    Yes, I have it !

    Thank and regards


  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Phillipe. 

    Please attach a screenshot of the entire error message: 

    "an error has occurred while trying to communicate with the scope. Ensure …"


  • 0
    Philippe Reverdiau

    Hi !

    Here it is :



  • 0
    Karthik Jayashankar

    Hi Philippe,

    I stumbled upon your problem while searching for a solution that I had with my HEQ5 Pro mount....identical to yours. 

    Firstly, please see this thread:

    Also, while you are using a MAC you need to ensure that you have "NOT" entered the PC Direct Mode on your Synscan handset (like one would while using it on a Windows PC). I had entered the PC Direct Mode and it kept giving me the same error as yours. I in fact discovered this trick by accident. 

    After installing the USB-Serial as described in the above link and ensuring that the PC Direct Mode on the Synscan handset is untouched, I am able to control the scope through Starry Nights Pro Plus 7 as well as Sky Safari 5. However, its best to do alignment / park position with your synscan handset as the MAC and Synscan are both available for use with the above method. 




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