I recently purchased an SynScan Wi-Fi dongle (#7961) from Orion and installed the SynScan app to control the telescope and it worked find. I contacted Orion because I wanted to know it the SkySafari 6 pro app would work with the SynScan app. They assured me that it would and emailed me the wi-fi settings, well it didn't work. Please see their instructions and the screen shot I get when trying to connect. Any assistance on setting these apps up would be greatly appreciated. I did contact Orion again, but have not received an updated reply.
Thank you.
How to Setup SkySafari for SynScan App
SkySafari 5 Plus or SkySafari 5 Pro is required to work with SynScan App.
SynScan App must be running and has connected to a telescope(or the embedded telescope emulator).
Step 1:
• Tap “Setting”, and scroll to “Telescope” sections.
• Tap “Setup” in “Telescope” section.
• Choose “Skywatcher SynScan” for “Scope Type”
• Choose “Connect via WiFi”
• If SkySafari runs on the same Android device which currently running the SynScan App:
o Fill “IP Address” with ““”; fill “Port Number” with “11882”.
• If SkySafari runs on a device other than the one which is currently running the SynScan App:
o Fill “IP Address” with the IP address of the device which is currently running the SynScan App.