I often use the "Measure From" feature to determine the angular distance between two object. E.g., 3 degrees between Venus and the Moon. Suddenly, it's giving me the distance in space. E.g., 1.29 AU. Did I accidentally change a configuration setting somewhere? Thanks.
Chris Baldock FYI. SkySafari got back to me.
"Hi Chris, it’s a bug - we’ve reported it to the dev team. Should have a fix in the next update. "
Lapennasgn Please fix this in SkySafari 6 Plus, too. (I've got version, I think. I keep forgetting how to get the version number displayed :-( )
Keiron Smith This is fixed. Update your app. Thanks!
Rcpettengill My MacOS Sky Safari Pro was just updated from the Mac apps store 3 days ago and I have version 6.5.0 which still has this bug! Please get this fixed this is an important function for me.
Jeff Shy I am having the same problem.
Eric Reines I have 6.7.2 and I can't read the output. Only the top half of the text shows. It appears to be distance in space rather than angular separation. Cannot see position angle at all. thank you.
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