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Will iPad 4 From 2012 Continue Operating SkySafari 6 Plus? (Answer: Read On!)

Now, March 2020, iPad 4 (2012 - 30 pin power cord) will not run iOs 13 so iPad Generation 4 are cheap. iPad 4 runs SkySafari 6 plus fine now, but how do you manage so the current version keeps running without so new update mesding it up?


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    Simple answer, DO NOT UPDATE.
    Apple app store says Skysafari 6 needs iOs 8 or higher, iPads 4 (2013) goes to iOs 10.3 so no problem...

    iPad 4 is actually the 2013 model, first edition with lightning power port, and now very cheap because only update to iOs 10.3 and not the current 13.3 now in March 2020,I can get six iPads for the cost of one currnt model iPad, But Im hoping Skysafari 6 plus will run fine so at star parties, I can have table with ten iPads, all with “Guided Access locked to SkySafari 6 Plus, and not have to big financial risk if iPad lost! Do have any ideas?

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    Keiron Smith


    In theory, SkySafari will continue to run properly on the operating system for which is was developed.

    For example, SkySafari 3 should continue to work properly on an older iPad running iOS 10.  SkySafari 3 will not run on iOS 11 and higher.

    And so, the same for SkySafari 6 and the OS versions for which it was developed.

    However, that all said, some functionality in SkySafari 6 is broken on iOS 9.3.5.  And, it is not clear at this time that we can continue to support such a long tail of operating systems.  

    So, please keep this is mind.  Expect that SkySafari 6 will run properly on the most recent operating system(s) for which it was developed.

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