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Custom FOV for 35mm camera and lens


 I have Skysafari 6 pro, v

I am setting up my various lenses, cameras, scopes under the OBSERVE, EQUIPMENT

I wanted to check on the settings to use for a Canon EOS 60Da and a Samyang 135mm f/2.0 ED UMC Telephoto Lens.

So when I setup the Samyang 135 lens , do I list it as 135mm and your software will correct the FOV since the Canon has a APS-C size imager ?

Or do I need to give the "adjusted " FL due to the APS-C imager size?




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    Beguin Raphaël

    I'm interested too, i have a Canon EOS 70D and would like too to add multiple lens to simulate the framing.

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    So initially and providing I have done this correctly, I selected camera profiles to add to my equipment and then created a telescope profile for some of my lens and added those also to my equipment.

    I have two cameras, Crop camera 24mm and Full Frame 35mm, my actual cameras are Nikon 3300(DX) and D800(FF), but I took the matching profiles from existing cameras.

    I then created the telescope(lens) profiles for a few lens. 

    Working example below based on the 24-120mm lens(I set the profile to be fixed at 120mm).


    If I change camera profiles between the FF and DX, the FOV does change for a given lens.


    I also added a 1.4X Teleconverter and again that zooms in more as expected.





    Full Frame Camera same lens


    Crop DX Camera same lens


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    OK.  Clever way to check how the software works for the different size imagers.

    I should have thought of that.

    Thanks K for the answer.

    take care


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    Thanks, we just need some decent weather now!

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    Beguin Raphaël

    Thanks for all theses explanations, very clever, but what I don't catch on your lense profile, is the 25mm aperture value, where did you get that?
    What are DX and FF, I suppose it's full frame? (Sorry I'm french based)

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    Beguin hi

    DX = Cropped ( My Nikon D3300).

    FF = Full Frame (My Nikon D800).

    So I have added all of my lenses and cameras manually.

    When you add all of the details like Sensor width/height and Pixel width/height, the App calcualtes the info as shown below ( the camera settings on the front screen).

    So take this example and if you manually add this to your app(delete afterwards):

    Add Camera

    Create Custom Camera

    This is for my Nikon D3300 (DX)


    Add to My Equipment

    It will appear under your Cameras(Notice how it has added the 24mm or 35mm you mention).



    Previously, I then also added my Nikon D800 (FF)


    This information comes from the camera company website etc.

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    The same when I added Lenses.

    Here I have added a cropped lens designed for DX cameras(using it at 300mm).

    And the other is a normal FF lens(fixed at 105mm).


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    Beguin Raphaël

    K first thanks for your fast reply, let me recap

    I understood how you add the camera infos, with sensor width then you add custom scope as a lens, until this i got it,

    but for me the aperture is about the diaphragm, and apparently what values we have here is about the sensor format, am i right?

    This information comes from the camera company website etc. I do the same

    (i tried to change it in english for communication purpose but did'nt find that option under settings, i guess the app do it regarding the user phone, anyway)

    I did a screencapture here 

    and this value (in red) allows to simulate the apparent field?

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    Beguin hi

    Yes,  I believe it is the sensor format that we use.

    Then obviously working with the Lens you select provides that field of view.

    I have also done the same in Stellarium, as for that being correct I cannot say, this is possibly a question for the SkySafari team?

    What makes you think it is not correct or you are not totally happy with the approach ?
















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