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How Do I Correct The RA/DEC Coordinates For Comet C/2019 Y4 Atlas? (Answer: Settings > Solar System > Update Minor Body Orbit Data)

RA/Dec for C/2019 Y4 seems to be off.

See the difference between SkySafari 6 coordinates and coords:



  • 0
    Pedro Braganca

    Hi Sergio, we get the coordinates right from the Minor Planet Center.  Ensure you download the latest data.  If you have SkySafari Plus or Pro you can do this by going to Settings-Solar System and then scroll down to the bottom to update.  If you have SkySafari (basic) - the data is updated automatically once a week.  Active comets can change path in a short time and different software might report positions slightly different.  I'll look deeper into it however.

  • 0
    Sergio Paganoni

    Hi Pedro,

    Thanks a lot for the prompt answer, even with the freshly updated data (i have Pro) it seems to be off around 2 min for RA and 3' for DEC. Do you also experience the same? Also Venus RA/DEC differs by 1min RA and 3' DEC. Are this considered "normal" errors?


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    Pedro Braganca

    Hi Sergio, both SkySafari and Starry Night report the same coordinates for these objects.  I think it's challenging comparing it with other websites - i can't validate their data.  In either case, the difference is so small that it won't affect observation.  I did create a ticket for us to look into it however.

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