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Beta Testing SkySafari 6 (iOS Only) & SynScan WiFi - Read This To Participate!

Invitation to SkySafari (iOS) & SynScan WiFi Users:

Everyone here in the Community Forums (with an Apple iOS device) who is also a SkyWatcher/SynScan user is invited to participate in the beta-testing cycle.  Native support for SynScan WiFi in SkySafari 6 will mean only one iOS device is required to connect to and control your mount.


How to Apply:

Please reply here (in a comment below) if you can help us at this time.  Please outline your experience with SkySafari, including what versions of SkySafari you have run previously, what SkyWatcher/SynScan telescopes you are controlling, what kind of astronomy you are involved in, if you are a power user, etc.

***  Please do NOT report bug/issues on this post.  See below for workflow ***


The Process:

If you find bugs/issues with the implementation of native SynScan support please first review the current discussions in the beta-testing forum.  If your bug/issue has already been identified please comment on the existing post.  If your bug/issue has not been identified please create a NEW post in the SkySafari 6 | SynScan Beta Testing forum. 

For clarity regarding this bug reporting process please see the Example Bug Report here:

Example Bug Report: This is a NEW BUG found using SkySafari 6 + SynScan native support so I created this NEW POST in this forum

Please do not submit tickets with bugs/issues.


How To Follow The SS6 Beta Forum:

As part of your participation we would appreciate that you FOLLOW the SkySafari 6 | SynScan Beta Testing forum.  Following a forum means you will receive email updates when anyone creates a NEW post or comments/replies to one of the existing posts. This is important for two reasons.

  1. Following the forum ensures you receive email updates regarding all admin communications to the beta testers.  If admins make a post asking for assistance you will get an email update with that post.
  2. Following is also very important so that you have an on-going status report regarding bugs/issues identified, confirmed, requiring further testing, or have been resolved, etc.  This will help you stay on top of the overall process, and ensure you are not duplicating efforts where issues are already known and resolved.


To FOLLOW the SkySafari 6 | SynScan Beta Testing community forum please see here.



Replying to Email Updates:

When you follow the SS6 SynScan Beta Testing forum you will receive email updates regarding new posts (and comments, if opted for).  Please do not reply to email updates using the "Reply" function.  Please first use the "View the comment" link to open the community forum post, then reply to the post.  

This point is crucially important - so please understand the image below (this an example of an SS6 Beta Testing email update as seen using my web browser Yahoo email account).

If you use the email update "Reply" function your reply will not be added to the community forum discussion.




In order to participate you will need to have TestFlight installed on your iOS device(s).  You can download and install TestFlight from this link here:


How to Use the Community Forums:

For clarity regarding how to use the Community Forums (posting/replying/following) please see here:

How To Sign Into The Community Forums (Required For Posting And Replying To Topics)

Browsers Supported by Simulation Curriculum Community Forums (Cookies Must Be Enabled)

How To Use Your New Community Support Forums


SkySafari 6 SynScan Beta Testing Summarized


  1. SIGN IN or create account on this Simulation Curriculum support website.
  2. REPLY to this post (in a comment below) in order to apply to the SkySafari 6 | SynScan Beta Testing group.
  3. When invited to join the beta testing, download and install the iOS TESTFLIGHT app.
  4. FOLLOW the main SS6 SynScan beta testing forum to be kept up-to-date of any new posts (bug reports) and discussions thereafter (you get email updates).
  5. REVIEW previous beta testing discussions before posting your bug report.
  6. COMMENT on bugs already reported.
  7. Create NEW posts for bugs not yet reported.
  8. Follow the bug reporting GUIDELINES when reporting or commenting on bugs.
  9. Do NOT reply/comment to email updates.  Instead, VIEW the post first, then comment.
  10. Post any questions, about anything to do with the beta testing, in the beta forum.  We will reply to you there. 

Thank YOU! 

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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    Erin Jostes

    Hi Keiron,


    We can help test SkySafari 6 (iOS Only) & SynScan WiFi.  


    Thank you,

    Erin Jostes

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    Hi I can help also, sky safari 6 and iPhone XS with latest iOS  SynScan v4 and azeq6 skywatcher mount used for about 4 years and use for deep sky, pn and double stars mainly thanks Jamie

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    Hi Keiron

    Could I please be included in the beta testing.

    New user to the AZ-GTI mount and limited astrophotography.


    SkySafari 6 plus ver

    SynScan Pro 1.18.3

    IPhone 7 software 13.4

    AZ-GTI mount

    Kind regards



  • 0
    Tamás Fehér

    Hi Keiron,

    Awesome news! I'm glad to participate in beta testing. I have some experience with testflight (eBank application).

    I'm a SkySafari user for more than two years, I'm using it for visual observing. My current phone is an iPhone SE (will be replaced in a few weeks), IOS version 13.4.1, SkySafari Pro 6.6.4, SynScan version 1.18.3, AZGTi mount firmware version 3.20.


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    Terry Fishlock

    I have an AZ-GTi and an Eq6 and would be happy to test on both.




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    Jay Sottolano


    I would definitely like to apply (I was working with Bill on this). I can test with an AZ-GTi and EQ6-R Pro. I am very involved with Astrophotography.  I am on the latest SkySafari and all firmware updates on hardware and updates for IOS and SynScan app.  Am current as well for TestFlight for other projects.

    Jay S.

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    Luis Trumper

    Hi Keiron


    Count me in. I have an AZ-GTI and I am amateur astronomer in my last 44 years!I have the latest Sky Safari Pro. I already downloaded TestFlight. But the app ask me for for a code. Do you provided it?



    Luis Trumper

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    Andrew Murphy

    Hi Keiron

    I would love to beta test.

    I have been using Sky Safari 6 Pro for about 2 years now, and am on the latest version.

    I have used it standalone on my iPhone mostly; I did attempt to use it with SynScan Wifi on my Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 mount with 2 devices (iPhone and iPad) but the SynScan app running on the other device was very flaky and kept dropping out, which meant it would keep dropping alignment.

    I do both visual astronomy and tracked-but-unguided DSLR astrophotography and will be testing the software with device on my AZ-EQ5 in both Alt-az and EQ alignments.

    I will be testing both my iPhone 6 and iPad Air individually with the beta.

    I'm a senior software engineer of 20 years experience with knowledge in QA processes.



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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Stargazers,

    Please review setup instructions here:

    [Updated] How To Test Native Support For SynScan WiFi (iOS Only)


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    Hi will this enable us to align the scope and mount fully just using app now?

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    David Parks

    I've used SS5 and now SS6 Pro, Ver  I would be beta testing using AZ-GTi WiFi and Apple iOS on iPad Pro / iPhone X.  I've been a software developer for 40 years.  I wrote the Synscan alignment tutorial for AZ-GTi over on Cloudy Nights and have done extensive testing of Synscan with that mount including SS6 using two devices.  I would be very interested in providing beta test feedback.  Thank you for your consideration.

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    I am so excited. I have been using the two IOS devices to be able to use SkySafari. I use the AZ-GTi Mount about every clear night.
    Here are my specs and equipment :

    SynScan Hand-controller Version 5 04.39.10

    Motor Controller 03.20.A5

    Hand-controller Hardware .04.16

    iPad Air 2 13.4.1

    iPad Air 3 13.4.1

    Skysafari 6 Pro 6.6.4

    Az-GTi Mount


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    Peter Woolliams

    AZgti mount, latest firmware

    iphone6s ios 13.3.1

    ipad3(?) ios 12.4.5

    Used skysafari a lot for finding things and planning viewing sessions.




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    Kyle Druey

    I would like to participate, here are my particulars:


    Skywatcher goto dog using Synscan (laster firmare)

    Skyfi latest version


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    I'd be happy to join the beta testing. I'm using SkySafari Plus version 6.6.4 and SynScan Pro version 1.18.3. My mount is an AZ-GTi, which I use for both visual and astrophotography. I'm controlling everything with my iPhone 8, always with the latest iOS.

    When used in EQ mode with the ASIAIR, the AZ-GTi is a joy to use together with SkySafari. I'd love to be able to do the same in AZ mode and SynScan app, that's a great way to show the sky to my friends and family.



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    Marcus Vasi


    I would be glad to join the beta testing. My current setup is SkySafari 6 Pro and SynScan Pro 1.18.3 with mount EQ6 Pro. I‘m using an iPhone XR (iOS 13.3.1) and an iPad Pro 11 2020 (iOS 13.4).

    My Setup is used for visual and photographic purpose. I used SkySafari before to control a Meade LX200 GPS 10“ via SkyFi.



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    Richard Hennig


    I would like to help with beta testing. I am using Sky Safari Pro on iOS and macOS. Both are the latest versions. I am using an iPhone 6s, an iPad Pro 2019, and an iMac.

    My setup is for visual observations.

    Clear skies,


  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Peter, Kyle, Marcus, Richard, 

    Welcome to the beta-testing group!

    Thanks for you feedback and stay safe!

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    Damian Vines

    I'd love to beta test this. I have an ASIair Pro, SkySafri 6 Pro on my iPad and I have a Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro I consider myself a heavy enthusiast, I shoot almost every night it's clear. Thank you for doing this!

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    Damian Vines

    Oh and I forgot to mention I have the SyncScan Wi-fi dongle too :) Thanks :)

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    Erik Ahrend

    Hi, SkySafari 6 Pro user for quite a while. Been using it with Celestron Nexstar Evolution and now also have a Skywatcher Eq6R pro and a AZ GTI I would like to use it with. Please invite me to beta test, really interested. Thanks!


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    Ka Ho Chan

    Hi, I have skysafari plus 6 and synscan pro in IPad mini. My mount is AZ GTI. I would like to join this test run. Thanks.

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    Damian Vines

    I’m guessing this beta testing phase never really took off or got scrapped, no communication on this thread or the beta testing thread for a few weeks now.

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    Tamás Fehér

    I think the same, Damian... Plus, the beta app has disappeared in TestFlight, too :(

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    Hello Keiron,

    please can you invite me for Beta Test SS6!!!

    Atm i use SS 6 Pro with EQ3 Pro Mount and SynScan Wifi

    iphone 11 Max Pro and Last iPad Mini.


    Thanks and regards


  • 0
    Ivan Galuzin


    SkySafari6 on iPad Air 12.4.5

    Currently using a Sky-Watcher MAK 127 on AZ-GTi Wifi mount.


    Would like to be invited to the beta testing.




  • 0


    I really would like to help with beta testing SS6 as well.

    I am using Sky Safari Plus on iOS (iPhone 5SE) and macOS (MacBook).

    SyncScan Pro app on iOS (iPhone 5SE).

    My mount is SkyWathcer AZ GTI

    I mainly do visual observation [a bit of astrophoto)


  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Everyone who has requested is no included in the beta-testing.  We are still beta testing using Plus version 6.6.5.  You should get a notification via TestFlight.

    We are currently waiting on delivery of a SkyWatcher mount.  So, as soon as that arrives we will have a lot more to do and say.

    Thank you to everyone for your efforts, please follow the instructions as outlined in this post, and read/help one another with the beta testing in the forum where possible as well.

  • 0

    You always get one!

    Keiron good evening

    Before your messge arrived I had notification of an update(from Apple) which I downloaded.

    Now includes the "Demo Interface" under scope type, but it will not speak to my AZ-GTI?

    I have opened a new link/case - not sure if I have jumped the gun.

    Kind regards


    Message in TestFlight SkySafari 6 Plus Version 6.6.5(

  • 0
    Steve Sawyer

    Sky Safari Pro since the beginning on mobile devices. other astronomy apps before that 

    AZ-EQ6 GT 

    currently use skysafari pro 6 on ipad with synscan on iphone X ... so very interested in this beta

    ... would enjoy testflight invite!!!! 



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