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Sky Safari 6 Pro In-App Purchases

I got an update notice on my MBA from the Mac App Store to update Sky Safari Pro, which I did.  As the documents indicate, the PGC Extension Database and the GAIA Extension Database have been restored.  However, I also had purchased the H-R Diagram option, and that did not restore - it still shows as a $1.99 purchase.

I also have Sky Safari 6 Pro installed on my iMac Pro - and got no notice to update.  I deleted the app, and then downloaded the app again, and it now also shows the PGC and GAIA extensions as installed.  But again, the H-R Diagram option shows as a purchase.

The "Restore Purchases" option doesn't work on either the MBA or the iMac Pro.  

My guess is that this is an Apple Mac App Store issue - but I would really like the H-R Diagram.  

Comments, suggestions?





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    Pedro Braganca

    Press the Purchase button.  It will ask if you want to purchase - say yes - it will then tell you that you've already purchased it - then it will restore it.  Just make sure you use the same Apple account you used when you purchased originally.  A bit confusing I know but we're trying to figure it out with Apple.  

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    Thanks.  That did work.  I'm not surprised that it is an Apple Mac App Store issue - the Mac App Store doesn't seem to work as well as the iOS App Store.  Odd,


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