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When Will SkySafari 7 Be Released? (Answer: ETA End Of Year)

I'm running Skysafari 6 Pro version I've written to you in the past because my Celestron Evolution w/ Starsense only worked with SkyPortal. It would always crash using Skysafari alignment. I've since relied on SkyPortal.

Question: How do I get the new 7 version (I can't find it in the app store), and do you feel will my previous inability to align be resolved with the new version?


  • 3
    Keiron Smith

    SS7 has been pushed back to first quarter, 2021.

  • 1
    Nicos Kountouris


    Still on track for release this month?

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    SkySafari 7 is in development.  ETA, release end of year.

    The latest release of SkySafari includes the same code fixes that you have in SkyPortal.  So, go download SS6 Pro and give it another try.


  • 0
    Joseph Luciani

    Okay, will do. I'll let you know how it works out.

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    Joseph Luciani

    I just deleted an re-loaded the Skysafari app, I'm a bit confused. Before I deleted the app the version was after re-loading the app the version remains the same ( Would the fixes in the code be reflected in the version number?

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    SkySafari is the latest and has the Celestron code fixes.  Please go try it with your StarSense.


  • 0
    Joseph Luciani


    I had a flawless alignment, three manual alignments achieved. When prompted to calibrate the StarSense, the first  five (!) attempts resulted in failure. I kept at it, the sixth calibration attempt was successful (was this a fluke???). I was then prompted to re-align. First two alignments went fine, but trying to get the third star plate solved (which would have given me access to the program for the night) the app froze/hung up. The wheel kept spinning. I had to reboot the iPad to enable me to get to SkyPortal, which, once again, worked flawlessly. 

    SkySafari is a much more robust program and I'm dedicated to doing whatever I can to help out. It's just so frustrating.




  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    So, SkyPortal works perfectly, but SkySafari is still giving you problems?

    What device and OS version are you running?


  • 0
    Joseph Luciani


    I’d like to get out this weekend and use SkySafari in spite of my recent difficulties. One question: Last time I did achieve a three star alignment and successful calibration (albeit it took many attempts to get this). Then on the follow-up alignment, the app froze. My question is will the calibration still work this weekend or do I need to re-do the calibration? If I have to re-do the calibration I probably would not use the app and would instead default to SkyPortal. Please let me know if I need to redo the calibration because I didn’t succeed with the follow-up alignment. 

    Also, can I expect any more bug fixes for the above problem (see Monday’s post)

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    There are other community posts that cover the beta testing, the fixes, the current release and the success that has been reported.  For example, see here the last page here:

    You may need to re-do the calibration, I can't say.  Simulation Curriculum does not make the StarSense hardware, nor write the StarSense code.  It is manufactured and maintained by Celestron.

    However, I have had the StarSense out for testing in recent days, and I found that it works every time, calibrates repeatedly, with no problems.


  • 0
    Nicos Kountouris

    Thanks for the update. Looking forward to it!

  • 0
    Junayet Miah

    Just wanted to say I like SkySafari a lot. I have V6 on android and tempted to get it on iOS again too.

    Hopefully V7 is still looking good to go. I’m excited!

  • 0
    Nicos Kountouris

    Hi Keiron,

    Eager to learn of progress on SS7 release!

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    We hired 2 new developers.

    SS7 is coming soon.  Still no firm ETA.  But 2021 most likely.


  • 0
    Thomas Schilz

    Any news about Sky Safari 7?

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Before, or by, end of year, 2021.

  • 0
    Nicos Kountouris

    As a user hooked to it since SS3, each new version is a separate purchase. I don’t know though if the add ons can be carried from one version to the next, which is an interesting question to ask!

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