I have connection between Skyfi 3 and Orion Skyquest 16XX GoTo Telescope, but I have some problems for slewing Telescope using the Skysafari 6 Pro commands, here some information about equipment version :
- App and version number => Sky Safari 6 Pro
- OS => IOS 13.3.1
- Photos of cable connections =>attached

Alignment process => I am Using Synscan with 2 Star allignment in my Orion Skyquest 16xx goto, first I have performed allignment and after Connect Skyfi.
Connection Skyfi .- The connection is successful by wifi, here a Screen shoot in Sky Safari 6 pro

Once Te Telescope is alligned and Skyfi is connected and I was able to connect in SkySafari 6 Pro, Orion Squyquest Telescope connection is successful.

Also I am able to allign Telescope using the Skysafari Comands and it works, but when I try to move "Goto" comands in Sky safari, I can see the screen indicating the movement and showing an arrow with the direction for slewing and the comand switch to "Stop" (detener), but the Telescope is Not moving, here the screenshoot :

It seems everything is fine but the Telescope is not executing the slewing comands from Skysafari 6 pro, if I try to move the telescope directly using the Synscan from Orion it works, it is just an issue with Sky Safari, aditionally I am not able to see the arrow buttons in Sky Safari when the Telescope is connected.
Thanks in advance for your support.