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[UX Issues]* Telescope Direction Not Accurate After Alignment Using SkyScan_Link


I think the magnification circles which should represent the AFOV of each telescope and eyepiece combination are not pointing to the correct coordinates. I attached two examples: the first is what I see on the screen after goto to star Porrima, while the second is after aligning to Porrima. Even if alignment is perfect in SynScan, SkySafari points slightly to the left.

Additionally, telescope alignment is not possible sometimes as I receive an error message about the distance of the selected object and telescope direction are too far away from each other - yes, that's the reason why I want to have them aligned :) I did not experience any of these issues in other planetary apps, so I think theye bugs might consider to examine deeper.

I experienced it with a SkyWatcher AZGTi, latest mount firmware, latest Synscan App and the latest SkySafari Plus beta, SynscanLink connected (each software version as of 2020 June 26th).



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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    Keiron Smith

    Thanks, Tamas, we'll take a closer look at this.

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    Keiron Smith


    Please include the following:

    1. App and version number
    2. OS version number
    3. Scope make and model
    4. Hand controller firmware version number
    5. WiFi hardware
    6. SkySafari Scope Type setting
    7. Alignment type process via hand controller



  • 0
    Tamás Fehér


    Thank you! Here are my answers:

    1. SkySafari Pro and SkySafari Plus Beta
    2. iOS 13.5.1 with iPhone 8
    3. Altair Starwave ED-R 102 mounted on a SkyWatcher AZGTi. Mount firmware version is 3.20 (left arm).
    4. No hand controller, I'm using SynScan app installed on my phone. App version is SynScan Pro 1.19.0.
    5. AZGTi built-in wifi module.
    6. SkySafari scope type is SkyWatcher SynscanLink Alt-Az GoTo.
    7. Alignment type process: 2 star alignment, but I tried other ways too - it does not matter, the issue is the same with all method.


  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    Previously, SynScan WiFi could be connected using 2 iOS devices.  Did you ever align like that?  Was it successful?

    Thanks for the info.

  • 0
    Tamás Fehér


    Yes, I know that method and I was using it. As far as I remember that was working flawlessly, can't remember such issue with realignment and the telescope ponting circles showed correct direction, too. I'll try it Today again, it seems we are going to have a clear night tonight. Will come back with the results.

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    Tamás Fehér

    I made a try with two devices and the results are the following.

    Single device setup, SynScanLink connection:

    1: Scope display circles are misaligned, the selected object is not in the middle on the phone's display after a goto slewing, however it is in the actual eyepiece on the scope. So, goto is accurate, but phone display is not.
    2: SkySafari alignment is not working if the target is a bit off (approx. 1-2 degrees). If just a little bit off, alignment is working. Error message is "Your alignment target is too far from the telescope's actual position. Please make sure you selected the right alignment target."

    Two device setup, classic SynScan connection:

    1. Scope circles are aligned exactly to the target object. No issue here.
    2. SkySafari alignment works as above. I receive an error message is the alignment object is further than convinient. If scope is just a little bit off from the selected target, alignment works properly.

    Hope this information helps. Thanks!

  • 0
    Austin Grant

    I'm having the same issue. Align function will align on the object, but the display circles are never centered on the object. Slewing away and then performing a GoTo centers the target in the eyepiece, but not the reticles in the software. 

    Was there every any resolution to this issue?

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    I entered a comment back in June 16, 2020 21:14 (Maxpeck1) with exactly the same error. I got no response and the problem continues to this day. I wouldn’t get my hopes up on any solution.

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    Tamás Fehér

    I made a video recording showing the issue. It is also visible that realign does not help either:


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