I think the magnification circles which should represent the AFOV of each telescope and eyepiece combination are not pointing to the correct coordinates. I attached two examples: the first is what I see on the screen after goto to star Porrima, while the second is after aligning to Porrima. Even if alignment is perfect in SynScan, SkySafari points slightly to the left.
Additionally, telescope alignment is not possible sometimes as I receive an error message about the distance of the selected object and telescope direction are too far away from each other - yes, that's the reason why I want to have them aligned :) I did not experience any of these issues in other planetary apps, so I think theye bugs might consider to examine deeper.
I experienced it with a SkyWatcher AZGTi, latest mount firmware, latest Synscan App and the latest SkySafari Plus beta, SynscanLink connected (each software version as of 2020 June 26th).