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How To Connect SkySafari 6 Pro WiFi + Meade LX200 Classic Using The AudioStar WiFi Enabled Upgrade Kit? (Answer: Read On!)

I purchased SkiSafari pro earlier today and for some reason, I can not connect to the telescope WIFI. That said, my Samsung S8 mobile phone can connect to the Meade LX200 classic upgraded with AudioStar w/ WIFI. I have the following set up conditions. Scope type - Meade ETX 60-125 aka: AudioStar enabled scope. Mount type - Alt-AZ. GoTo, connect to WIFI enabled, IP address 10.0.01 & port 4030 (same as my scope IP). Can you confirm if is android compatible? Your help and support are greatly appreciated.
Regards, Gary


  • 1
    Gary Moore

    Keiron, thank you for responding. I have forward your questions to George Dudash, LX200Astar <>

    George developed the Meade LX200 classic AudioStar upgrade kit to include a WiFi option. Are you suggesting that I enable the Auto-detect SkyFi? If so, what is the SiFi name, and how does the application get the scope IP address?


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    Roger Perkins

    Hi Gary,

    Have you resolved this problem yet? If not, I have noticed that you did not mention that you connected the phone's wifi network to the scope's network before trying to connect to the scope through SkySafari. I always have Auto-Detect turned on in my setup. If you do not first connect your phones wifi to the scope's wifi network the IP Address will not be compatible.

  • 1
    Gary Moore

    Thanks for your email. Yes, I connected the scope WiFi before, and then I tried enabling/disabling the auto-detect feature with no success. The Skysafari application could not connect to my Samsung S8 phone. I then tried different connection options, but the result was the same. Therefore, I purchased an IPad, and another Skysafari pro application. The IOS app - telescope connected on the first try.

    Best regards,


  • 1
    Roger Perkins

    Hi Gary,

    If you still want to resolve this problem with your S8 phone I suspect it has to do with the IP address of your scopes WiFi connection. Apple products have always been better at handling network connections. After you connect to your scope you need to go into the advanced settings of your WiFi connections on your phone and click on Manage Networks and then click on your scope's connection to see what the IP assignments are. The Manage Router should be the IP address of your scope and that is what you need to put into SkySafari. If it only shows a name the actual address should be 1 less than your phones assigned address. (i.e router phone

    Hope this helps.


  • 1
    Roger Perkins

    Sorry Gary, I just realized that you need to have Auto-Detect turned off as that is just for the SkyFi units. My apologies for the confusion.


  • 1
    Roger Perkins

    After thinking this through a little more I have two better and simpler options for you. The first one entails you just entering the name of your scopes wifi connection into the IP Address area of the SkySafari, that way it does not matter what the actual assigned address is. This is the most likely way that your iPad made the connection as well, it probably just used the name of the open wifi connection which would have been your scope. The other option would be to change your scopes name to SkyFi and turn on the Auto-Detect SkyFi which will accomplish basically the same thing. Anyway, good luck.


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    Martinnewbold Mn

    Gary I had it driving the telecope from my android however Kieron said they are not going to support meade which suxs . Especially when they only need to sent a GPS co-ordinates to it from Sky Safari  to the handset I think its dreadful they say this and say they support telecops with thier platform . Its thier product though so I dont expect much help either.  The Ipad should work too however It will not train the telescope and SkySafari currently does not support it fully. Its a problem they wont resolve currently. So Good Luck.


  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Celestron has paid for the development costs associated with their special WiFi alignment operations.  That is why Celestron WiFi is supported in that special way.

    SkySafari + SkyFi 3 works perfectly with all Meade telescopes when the Meade mount is aligned via the hand controller first.

    This is also how SkySafari works with almost every other mount on the market.

    Meade is supported fully, as it always has been.  

    Martin, if your Meade hand controller is broken then you need to get another one.


  • -1
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Gary,

    SkySafari is Android compatible, no problem.  But, what is the WiFi connection you are using?  Officially, SkySafari supports WiFi connections via:

    1. SkyFi 3
    2. Celestron WiFi
    3. SynScan WiFi (iOS)

    What WiFi hardware/connection are you using?  Please link me to a webpage that discusses the WiFi.  And, also, please link me to a webpage that states SkySafari officially supports the WiFi connection to that hardware.


  • -1
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Gary, 

    As George has developed this upgrade kit, if he is claiming SkySafari can be used with his upgrade kit, then he can also write the documentation that shows you how to achieve that goal.  Please copy George's reply here, and you are welcome to invite him to comment directly with the documentation on this post.


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