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How To Connect SkySafari 6 Pro To iOptron CEM26 Mount With Built-In StarFi WiFi? (Answer: Choose ScopeType: CEM120 - Read On!)

Hi there I am trying to do the above and here are more details. I think I have the setting correct? (see below). The ipad is on the same wifi network as the mount is providing. What should I do next to troubleshoot?




  • 0
    Keiron Smith
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    Nick Wingrove

    Hi Keiron, thanks for your response. I have followed the link you sent and gone through the same settings. (but of course mine is not the same mount model) and I still have issues. I have now the following settings and also error message. I have also looked through my full mount manual here and there is very little on the wifi part. (see pg 27)

    Please help! Thanks in advance. 


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    Keiron Smith

    Please turn off Set Time and Location and try again.

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    Keiron Smith

    Also, star-align your mount using the hand controller before connecting with SkySafari.

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    Nick Wingrove

    Hi Kieron I have done as above and I get the same error. I used the same settings but as you advised I switched off 'Set Time and Location'

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    Keiron Smith

    Did you star-align first?

    Please review the manual:

    Also, ask the OP here to help you, as he did find success:

    SkySafari 6 Pro | How To Connect To the iOptron AZ Mount Pro Using the iOptron StarFi WiFi Adapter? (Solution: Read On)

    Finally, ask iOptron for support.  We did not implement this connectivity.  It has been developed by iOptron without partnering with SkySafari so iOptron will have to step up and provide support for their work if you still can't get it to connect.


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    Michael Mah

    I have the same issue. Cannot connect to my ioptron cem26 with either phone or tablet on android. Same settings as OP.

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    Cirrus Clouds

    I will be getting a CEM26 anytime now and so would like to know the correct settings too. I know someone who has a CEM26 chose the setting with "CEM120" in the SkySafari settings and got WiFi working. He is probably using the latest SkySafari version (in android) since I do not see that choice in my SkySafari 5 Plus. I think you guys should cycle though all the choices for iOptron telescopes in the settings (there are only 4-5 choices). It takes less than 10  minutes to test this out. I will test it out myself once I get my hands on a CEM26.

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    Michael Mah

    Yes, it connects using CEM120. Thanks!

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    Haegar Smit

    Good to hear the positive result. I just got a brand new CEM26 and its still on my bench not yet outside ;)

    As a total beginner I wounder about the best option for software control. I have a Macbook and an iPad. As the CEM26 has the iPolar camera and a Mac Ipolar Software, SkySafari for Mac might be the best combination?

    However even better would be to controll everything from my iPad:

    - does the SkySafari iOS version also connect to the CEM26 Wifi?

    - is there an option or some future plans to support the iPolar camera on the iPad?



  • 0
    Cirrus Clouds

    To your question on ipad, yes WIFI on CEM26 connects with SkySafari 6 Plus/Pro on iOS.

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