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How Come SkySafari 6 Plus (6.7.5) On An iPad (iOS 14.01) Won't Connect To SkyFi 3 But My Meade Stella Access App Connects Without Issue? (Answer: Read On!)


Setting this all up for the first time, tried everything I can think of - what am i missing?.

I am getting “Connection Failure SkySafari 6 Plus can't make a wireless connection to the scope.

With exactly the same setup, but using the iPad app Stella Access (Ver “Powered by SkySafari 5”) it works fine, connects every time, and controls the Meade scope, no issues. (So cool!)

However SkySafari 6 Plus does not seem to work.


Latest SkySafari 6 Plus (v
iPad Pro running iOS (v14.0.1)
Brand new SkyFi 3 (firmware 1.3.4)
Meade LX-90/ATX/Autostar cable (bought on the same Simulation Curriculum order)
Meade LX9 10” ACF with GPS and with with Audio-star controller

This is what I have tried (multiple times);

1. Set up the LX90 scope, aligned it.


Reset the SkyFi to defaults (per the help on a similar iPad issue).
3. Power cycled the SkyFi. (per the help on a similar iPad issue)
4. Joined the SkyFi network with my iPad

5. Went to in the Safari browser and can see the SkyFi config page - Yes. No issues so far.

6. Start SkySafari 6 Plus

Settings > Telescope Setup

Auto-Detect is OFF, IP address is (have also tried Auto, Stella Access works, SkySafari doesn’t)

Time and Location is OFF
Back in Safari I can still see the SkyFi config page at

7. I go to the SkyFi Settings Web Page from within SkySafari Scope Setup page - but get a white screen. ie. Not working.
(I note this screen is fine ie visible from within Stella Access no issues)

8. I try to connect again and still get the “Connection Failure SkySafari 6 Plus can't make a wireless connection to the scope.”

Again, everything works 100% with Stella Access (Ver “Powered by SkySafari 5”)

Just cant seem to get SkySafari 6 Plus on the iPad to work.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  • 0
    Keiron Smith
  • 0
    Calvin Bradshaw

    Thanks.  That worked.  I must have missed that step somewhere.

    Stella Access was already in the list of Enabled apps, that is why that app was working.

    So confirming the only setting that was different was OS Settings > Privacy > Local Network > SkySafari 6 Pro > Enable

    Once enabled, everything worked. Thanks.

  • 0
    Bill Kocken

    I'm using a SkiFi 2  or SkyFi USB.  I have that setting checked, but it still does not work. 

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    An excellent result, Calvin!


    Please see Calvin's initial post and provide all the same info that he did.


  • 0
    Bill Kocken

    My fundamental problem is that my  iPhone 11, running IOS14.0.1 cannot access the wifi network set up by my SkyFi 2 (USB) 

    Latest SkySafari 6 Pro (v

    iPhone 11 running IOS 14.0.1

    Older SkyFi 2 (USB)  Firmware ver 2.3.3  I had to log into SkyFi using my wife’s Iphone XR to see the firmware version.

    Ioptron ZEQ25GT with IOptron-supplied serial cable  (This scope works with a Bluetooth adapter and SkySafari on an old Samsung Android tablet)  

    This is what I have tried (multiple times);

    1. On Iphone 11, verified Settings > SkySafari Pro > Local Network is On  and Cellular is Off ( the cellular switch did not matter)
    2. Set up the IOptron and align it.
    3. Reset the SkyFi to defaults
    4. Power cycled the SkyFi.
    5. Joined the SkyFi network with my iPhone.
    6. Went to in the Safari browser and cannot see the SkyFi config page – The progress bar stalls out and eventually displays “Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding”

    I kept trying anyway...

    1. Start SkySafari 6 Plus
      Settings > Telescope Setup
      Auto-Detect is OFF,

               IP address is

              Port 0430

              Time and Location is OFF

               I cannot get to the SkyFi Settings Web page – All I get is a blank screen


               Try again

    1.           Start SkySafari 6 Plus  (Try again)

              Settings > Telescope Setup

              Auto-Detect is On – this shows SkyFi, but below that is “Not Found” in blue letters

               IP address is

               Port 0430

              Time and Location is OFF

              I cannot get to the SkyFi Settings Web page – All I get is a blank screen

    Thanks for looking into this.  I hope there is a solution!

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    Do you have another iOS device, not running iOS 14, that you can test with?


  • 0
    Bill Kocken

    Using my wife’s iPhone XR with iOS 13.7 I am able to get to the SkyFi settings webpage at, my step 7. We do not have SkySafari on her phone so I cannot test it further.

  • 0
    Bill Kocken

    Oops I meant my step 6.
    Before upgrading to Ios14, I was able to use the SkyFi on my iPhone 11, although I only had one experience doing this because I am new to using an iPhone.

  • 0
    Bill Kocken

    I have been able to verify that I can successfully connect to the SkyFi 2 and use SkySafari using my wife’s IPhone XR running IOS 13.7. I can control my Ioptron Mount using the system.

    Just for the heck of it, I verified that the system does not work with my IPhone 11 which is on IOS14.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Ok, so, presently, there is a bug in iOS 14 that prevents SkySafari from finding SkyFi 3 via access point mode, on a home network.  We are waiting for Apple to fix the bug which affects far more that our software + hardware.  I'm going to guess that the same bug is preventing the direct connection to SkyFi 2.  While I can't say for sure, there is a difference in the way SkyFi 2 and SkyFi 3 create their WiFi networks.  That is also how I can draw this conclusion.  

    Which means you're in the same boat, waiting for an iOS 14 update.  Alternatively, you can upgrade to SkyFi 3, which is working on iOS 14 though not via access point mode, if that matters to you.

    Thanks for your troubleshooting.

  • 0
    Bill Kocken

    Thanks. Keep me/us posted on the status of a fix.
    I have figured out a way to get SkySafari working with a third party Serial to Bluetooth device with my old Android phone. I’d rather use the SkyFi but I’m not going to upgrade at this point.

  • 0


    For what it's worth, I have a SkyFi-III, SkyBT and RN-270 -- and all work with all my mounts and SkySafari-6 Pro on my various Android phones and tablets.  The SkyBT and RN-270 Bluetooth to serial devices are identical.  Roving Networks made the SkyBT for Simulation Curriculum.

    And for the record, I actually prefer using the Bluetooth devices.  In my experience they have longer range and there's much less chance of WiFi interference from other 2.4GHz devices or mount users.  As WiFi mount control becomes used by more and more people, not finding an available WiFi channel is becoming a problem.  It's particularly a problem at large star parties.

    So although I can use WiFi, I prefer Bluetooth.

  • 0
    Bill Kocken

    That’s good information. I have been a long time android user and recently switched to iPhone. Since switching, I figured out how to use a Bluetooth device that I have with both android and a windows PC. As a Skytools user, Bluetooth on a PC is attractive. (My SkyFi 2 does not work with Win10, and never will. )

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    You can use SkyFi + Android as per this document from the legendary Mighty Mike Weasner:

  • 0
    Bill Kocken

    That's interesting. I think I have seen that method alluded to in the documentation somewhere, but Mike's explanation is better.  I wonder if that technique could work with Windows 10 pc. 

    1 create a hotspot from android.

    2. Connect SkyFi to that spot with iphone on ios13

    3. Shut down android and restart SkyFi.

    4a  join that new network with  my PC. and use Sky Told.

    4b Or join that network from android and use SkySafari

    4c This a shot in the dark but maybe Ios14 could access this new network...

    I'll try it this weekend. 


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