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Why Is The SkyGuide Blank? (Answer: Ask Support For The Workaround!)

Thank you for the availability of this forum re Starry Night Proplus 8

I too have had problems with the sky guide turning itself off. I had been using pro plus for some time when this guide suddenly turned itself off.  I agree with others that not having it is very inconvenient.

I have tried the changes recommended in Internet explorer 11 with no luck.

I have tried turning off Microsoft Edge, I have reinstalled a\internet explorer 11 and I have closed all of the anti-virus software including Microsoft anti-virus, Malwarebytes, and super anti-spyware professional. None of these make any  change.

Recently however I went into msconfig/General and then changed to diagnostic start up, which loads only basic services. With this change in place nothing else works but pro plus is fine and loads the sky guide as required. Clearly there is a program loading normally which blocks this. Can any experts help


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    Keiron Smith

    Please try right-clicking and choosing Run as Admin.

    Does that help?

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    By the way, Keiron, this proposed solution -- right-clicking and running as Admin - doesn't work to bring back my Skyguide.  Does SimCur have any other fix for this problem? I think you can see by the questions here that this is a wide-ranging bug. Please help us. We're saying on several platforms how responsive SimCur is to our questions here. I LOVE Starry Night Pro Plus. I would just love it to work.

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    Here's a customer reporting this "blank Sky Guide" problem. It APPEARS he reported it in February 2021. It looks like no one from Sim Curr answered him until Dec. 27, 2021. That's 10 months later. By that time, he probably had given up. Now I'm reporting the same problem. Will I need to wait 10 months for someone to acknowledge that they've heard me? I'm just curious - because I love this software but I don't want to see it languish. I want to see it WORK.

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    Keiron Smith

    @Buttfield, if this is still an issue for you we can provide a workaround.  Reply here to let me know.


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    This bug seems to be pretty common for people who are upgrading their version of SN8. I ran into it aswell.

    I think the bug appears when You unistall previous version (the one which You upgraded from).
    To fix it just run the installer for your new version once again and use "Repair" option when asked during installation.

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