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[UX Issue]* Text For Measure Tool And Horizon Coordinates Are Clipped (Answer: Confirm Fix In 6.8.0 Update)

The text for the Measure Tool and Horizon Coordinates are clipping for me in Sky Safari Plus. Basically, only about 1/8th of the expected text vertically is appearing. There's a screenshot below.

I'm running Mac OS 11.1 but also saw this behavior on 10.14.x.



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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    I am seeing this too. The last line clips the first line. Tried changing font size but made no difference. Running Sky Safari Pro 6.7.2 on Mac running 11.1 Saw this on early version of Mac X.

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    Keiron Smith

    This is a know issue related to specific retina screens.  We will release an update for this as soon as possible.

    Thank you for the reports!

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    Dave Whipps

    This is fixed in the upcoming (v. 6.8.0) release. Thanks for the reports, and your patience!

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    Keiron Smith


    Please update your app to 6.8.0 and confirm the fix.


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    Ty Snouffer

    Thank you. Unfortunately, I am still experiencing the clipped text on 6.8.0. I'm on MacOS 11.2.3, My graphic card is the AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 4GB. 


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    Christine Zacharer

    Update...My new message as of Apr 21

    Version 6.8.2 works. I would like to thank David Whipps who personally reached out to me after my comment and after several back and forth emails and about 24 hours (I'm sure with little sleep on his - and his team's part) the issue was corrected.

    I will also note that this version also fixes the grid text cropping that was occurring at the top of screens.

    Thank you for addressing this issue, and thank you for personally reaching out to solve the issue.

    Best, Christine


    My original message: (I will leave this for historical reasons....)

    "It is not fixed. Current SF6 Pro 6.8.1 running on

    1) MBPro 2020 M1 running MacOS BigSur 11.2.3

    2) MBAir 2019 running MacOS Catalina 10.15.7

    3) MBPro 15" late 2011 running High Sierra 10.13.6

    Hasn't worked in a long time"



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    Dave Whipps


    I was able to find (and fix) a problem relating to this, but your report above confuses me and before releasing a patch, can you please confirm on all of the above that:

    a) You're using SkySafari 6, version 6.8.1.

    b) You're running the app on the device's main display, not an external monitor. (Feel free to test both, if you have an external display. Just drag the app from one display to the next and resize SkySafari window to force it to redraw once.)

    My tests have shown that the issue only appears on "non-retina" displays, such as most external monitors, but not on the native display of most new MacBook Pro/Air laptops and new iMac desktops which DO tend to have a retina display (confirm here: Mac computers that have a Retina display)

    The fix that I have ready (but not yet released) should make it work on both retina, and non-retina displays.

    Thanks for your patience,


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    Dave Whipps

    Hey all,

    We've just released a new version (6.8.2) which we think should fix all of these issues. Please report back!

    - Dave


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    Ty Snouffer

    Bingo! Yep, that did it for me. Works on both my MacBook screen and my second monitor.

    MBP running macOS 11.2.3.


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    Christine Zacharer

    Thank you David for your correspondence and addressing this issue. (I have left my earlier post for sake of context, but updated it to reflect your efforts.)

    I can safely say that Version 6.8.2 has corrected the measure tool, as well as the text cropping issue at the top of screens when displaying Grids...


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