Can anyone on this forum build ANY kind of user-database using ANY release of SNP8? Of particular interest is a 13,500 object "NGC-IC_Example_Database" prepared by Wolfgang Steinicke in 2000 and subsequently posted by Keiron Smith in 2011 as an SNP documentation resource for users who wish to create their own star databases.
In 2017 SNP user Denis Boucher commented on Keiron Smith's post with his own affirmation that the "NGC-IC_Example_Database" was indeed a practical "template" for building modest-size star databases, and he further attested that with SN7 he could compile such databases using the "FILE > Build Data File" option on the SNP main-menu .
In late 2019 I posted a comment on the Keiron Smith article that the "Build Data File" function appeared to be broken in SNP8, at least with respect to input derived from "NGC-IC_Example_Database". There was no SCC response to my post, BUT about a year later (Feb 2021) another SN8 user (Frank Concannon) posted his own anguished agreement with my post. FrankC did receive an encouraging "pledge" from Keiron Smith that "SN developers would review the issue" for the next SN8 update, but Mr. Smith did not commit as to whether or when such an update would actually be released.
So as FrankC and I (and who knows how many other SNP8 users with interest in user-databases) "take a number and wait in the bar" for some material progress in the situation I thought I should try the community forum for any additional info or insight on current state of the "Build Data File" compiler in SNP8. Thanks in advance for ANY response ... James Heflin (