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LiveSky Email Observing List: Link Fails

When emailing an Observing List from LiveSky and then clicking on the List Link in the email, the page opens showing the sent Obs List after aprox 25sec.

Next select Download SKYLIST and after about 60sec this appears:

Note that on an occasion however it does work.  What’s going on?

iPadPro 14.7.1 w/SS6Pro 6.8.52



  • 0
    Garry Bluhm

    Tried again today and still isn’t working. ERROR when selecting SKYLIST download.

  • 0
    Kyle Hendicks

    Hello Garry,

    Can you try again. If the list has less than 400 objects it should be instant. We are aware and working on a solution for lists with over 400 objects.

    Kyle Hendricks

    Simulation Curriculum Development Team

  • 0
    Garry Bluhm

    Hi Kyle,

    This list only has 70 objects in it.

    This is getting strange, just now when emailing from LiveSky this what I received:

  • 0
    Garry Bluhm


    Tried again and it worked. Did one more test and received the same message as above. 

    I use the Apple Mail app with Comcast & Yahoo accounts. The Comcast acct is set as the Default in the Mail app settings. 

    The LiveSky Premium acct uses a Yahoo email for Login.


  • 0
    Kyle Hendicks


    Thank you for the additional information. I will try to replicate this bug on my end.

    Kyle Hendricks

    Simulation Curriculum Development Team

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