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Where Is Focus Motor Functionality In SkySafari 7 Pro? (Answer: Connect first to Celestron WiFi. Focus Motor Functionality Is In The Celestron Options Icon)

Where is focus motor functionality on the SkySafari Pro 7?

The app is very nice and intuitive however I'm accustomed to utilizing the focus motor. Great work and update!




  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    Connect first to Celestron WiFi.  The Focus Motor functionality is in the Celestron Options icon.


  • 0

    Hi Keiron

     I am connected to my CGX mount and Celestron Focuser via Ascom Remote.

    I don't seem to be able to locate the "Celestron Optons Icon" on my Ipad screen so I can access the Focuser.




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    Keiron Smith


    You must be connected to Celestron WiFi.  And, probably, the focus motor is connected, and turned on as well.

  • 0


     Unfortunately, that icon is not present when I connect to my Ipad SF7 to  my CGX mount & focuser via Ascom remote on my pc.

    see screen shot. Note ASCOM Remote does report the connection to my CGX & focuser. Any ideas on this?

    Take care

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Please connect directly from SS7 to Celestron WiFi.

  • 0

    The CGX mount does not have WiFi

    That is why I use the Direct USB connection on the mount, Also a more stable connection.

    A Ascom interface is then established  via CPWI.

    Then SF7 connects via Ascom Alpaca to Ascom Remote on PC.

    So does this mean that the Focuser interface is not implemented through the Alpaca Preset interface?



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    Keiron Smith

    The SS7 Celestron focuser functionality is only available via a Celestron WiFi connection.

    Sorry, Stephen.

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    Greg Skoviak

    On Celestron Evolution 6 there is no Accessories tab on my newer Samsung tablet, using SkySafari 6 or 7 PRO. On my 2 year old Samsung Note it works fine.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Sorry, Greg, it is not clear what issue you are describing.  Please attach screenshots.  And, provide the following info:

    1. App and version
    2. OS version
    3. Device make and model


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    Greg Skoviak


    Focuser worked on a much older Kindle Android after updates when I posted an issue with it rendering properly about 1 or 2 years ago. After the update, it worked properly in Safari 6 Pro on that older Android tablet.

    When Safari 7 Pro was released I purchased it but found that it would not run on the older Kindle Android as its version was not supported for Safari 7 Pro.

    I then purchased a new tablet with the following characteristics;

    Samsung Tab 8, SM-X700 New, Android Version 13, SkySafari 7 Pro.

    On this Tablet, neither Safari 6 Pro or Safari 7 Pro would find the focuser after connecting. It simply is not part of the Safari operating system in any way; it is not mentioned in the help file, there is no reference in the Setup/Utilities menu etc.

    If I connect with the older Kindle Android, using SkySafari 6 Pro, the focuser Icon is found at the bottom of the display, and if  select it, the panel slides out from the right and the focuser works fine.

    Also, when connected with the new Tablet and either 6 or 7 Pro, the focuser works fine with the Handheld Celestron controller. Clearly the SkySafari software is not picking up the bit in the Android 13 system that is specifying that the focuser is present. Again, the telescope, focuser all work as expected, it is SkySafari 6 or 7 Pro that is not recognizing that the focuser is present. 



  • 0
    Greg Skoviak


    OK, it is found and working with the latest version of Celestron's SkyPortal, just the icon is found in a different location than were it should be in SkySafari. It is located on the bottom icon tray along with the other telescope related icons. In SkySafari, it is not found in the app icon tray, nor listed in the utilities menu as I have been advised. It's just missing...

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    Rob Bleistein

    i have skyportal on android phone, and yes the focuser is there on the main menu toolbar. when i click on it it opens the focuser utility.
    i will say, it has a much better look on skyportal with android vs skysafari on IOS.  not the 10's and 1's adjustment are clearly separated on the
    skyportal image below.

    compare that image with the image from my ipad:



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    Greg Skoviak

    Keiron, is there any update regarding a fix for the missing focuser panel for SkySafari 7 PRO?

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    This feature is not missing in SS7.

    Please follow the instructions on how to connect and control your Celestron focuser.

    [UX Issue] - Where Are The Focus Motor Controls? (Answer: Look in Celestron WiFi Options - Read On!)


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    Troy Bodrero

    I have followed all the directions above and the focus setting are not there. Cord wrap is the last thing in the menu



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    Keiron Smith


    Is the focus motor connected and turned on?

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Greg, Troy, 

    In SkySafari Settings > Appearance and Behaviour > Configure Toolbar > do you have Focus Motor enabled?


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    Marv Halsey

    I think half the problem posts having to do with enabling the focuser function in SkySafari 7 Pro is that the function is not turned on in Settings>Appearance and Behavior > Configure Tool Bar. I fussed over the wifi connection and still couldn't activate the Focuser feature until I saw the above post. Thank You!

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    Keiron Smith

    Thanks for the insight, Marv!  

  • -1
    Keiron Smith

    Please install Celestron SkyPortal app (free) on both Android and iOS, and check if the focuser is available in that app.


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