On Pixel 5a with Android 12, the keyboard's orangish-red background for the Night mode is overlaying the keyboard. You can tell because the numbers work, and you can barely hit the top of the top row of letters, but can't touch the other keys. Help please!!! Major glitch! I can't even find targets because I can't type without switching to day mode!
Bartosz Koniński Keiron Smith Hello, I have the same problem on Pixel 4 with Android 12. In Android 11 everything worked well. I'm attaching video with screen recording: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMova2ynEzrXX1DI2nR4mmsMPG8_fkkSWEPtnvnQxqHug9RqDrqq60P2qv7Wq4N3A?key=aTd0djZ4Q25VMGhxRFFLTWlmV3EwZVNrYUkyMWV3
Edit: I'm using SkySafari 6 Plus.
Keiron Smith Nathan,
Please attach a screenshot of what you see.
Nathan Thompson It's the same thing as is happening with Bartosz. I disabled the red overlay checkbox in options, so it worked around the problem.
Keiron Smith We will ask our Android developer Jairo Peralta to review this issue.
Thanks for the video, it is excellent!
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