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Beta Testing SkySafari 7 (Android Only) - Read EVERYTHING To Participate!

Invitation To Android Users:

Everyone here in the Community Forums (with an Android device) is invited to participate in the beta-testing cycle :) 

Your beta-testing feedback, whatever you can contribute, will be invaluable to the success of SkySafari 7 for Android!

IMPORTANT: Beta Test User Requirements:

  • Email requirements: Users need a Google Account ( or a G Suite account to join in the beta test (see below).
  • Support Account requirements: Users must have Simulation Curriculum Support Account and must reply to this post; i.e. you are logged in to this website (see below).

How To Apply - 2 Parts: 

    1. You must enter your @Gmail or G Suite email address (the one you use to login to Google Play to buy/download apps for your Android device) into the red bar on the bottom of this webpage.  Note, the red bar can be hidden if you have any kind of ad-blocking plugin installed.
    2. Please also reply to this post (in a comment below) if you can help us at this time.  Please outline your experience with SkySafari, including what versions of SkySafari you have run previously, what telescopes you are controlling, what kind of astronomy you are involved in, if you are a power user, etc.

Failing to follow the 2 step application process above will exclude you from the beta testing cycle.

When Accepted To Beta Test:

When you are accepted, you will be notified via an email (sent to your @Gmail/G Suite email address) that you are able to download the SS7 Android beta app from Google Play.

Accessing The SS7 Android Beta Testing Forum: When you are accepted you will see and have access to the SS7 Android Beta Testing forum.  The SS7 Beta Testing forum is hidden until you are accepted.

Please note, not all applicants will be immediately included in the beta-testing.  So, if you apply and do not hear back please be patient.

*** If accepted to the SS7 beta-testing forum please do NOT report bug/issues on this post.  See below for workflow ***

The Process: 

As you find bugs/issues in SkySafari 7 please first review the current discussions in this beta-testing forum (which is hidden until you are invited).  If your bug/issue has already been identified please comment on the existing post.  If your bug/issue has not been identified please create a NEW post in the SS7 Android Beta Testing forum. 

For clarity regarding this bug reporting process please see the Example Bug Report (hidden until you are officially invited)

Please do not submit tickets with bugs/issues.

How To Follow The SS7 Beta Forum: 

As part of your participation we would appreciate that you follow the SS7 Android Beta Testing forum.  Following a forum means you will receive email updates when anyone creates a NEW post or comments/replies to one of the existing posts. This is important for two reasons.

  1. Following the forum ensures you receive email updates regarding all admin communications to the beta testers.  If admins make a post asking for assistance you will get an email update with that post.
  2. Following is also very important so that you have an on-going status report regarding bugs/issues identified, confirmed, requiring further testing, or have been resolved, etc.  This will help you stay on top of the overall process, and ensure you are not duplicating efforts where issues are already known and resolved.


To FOLLOW the SkySafari 7 Beta Testing community forum please see here.  Note, you must have been invited first, and have access to the forum before you can follow it.




Replying to Email Updates: 

When you follow the SS7 Beta Testing forum you will receive email updates regarding new posts (and comments, if opted for).  Please do not reply to email updates using the "Reply" function.  Please first use the "View the comment" link to open the community forum post, then reply to the post.  

This point is crucially important - so please understand the image below (this an example of an SS7 Beta Testing email update as seen using my web browser Yahoo email account).

If you use the email update "Reply" function your reply will not be added to the community forum discussion.





How to Use the Community Forums:

For clarity regarding how to use the Community Forums (posting/replying/following) please see here:


How To Sign Into The Community Forums (Required For Posting And Replying To Topics)

Browsers Supported by Simulation Curriculum Community Forums (Cookies Must Be Enabled)

How To Use Your New Community Support Forums


Beta Testing Summarized:


  1. SIGN IN or create account on this Simulation Curriculum support website.
  2. SUBMIT your Suite email address into the red bar at the bottom of this page.
  3. REPLY to this post (in a comment below) in order to apply to the SS7 Beta Testing group.
  4. When invited to join the beta testing visit the one of the Google Play URL(s) that we share with you.  See X marks the spot (above).
  5. FOLLOW the main SS7 Android beta forum to be kept up-to-date of any new posts (bug reports) and discussions thereafter (you get email updates).
  6. REVIEW previous beta testing discussions before posting your bug report.
  7. COMMENT on bugs already reported.
  8. Create NEW posts for bugs not yet reported.
  9. Follow the bug reporting GUIDELINES when reporting or commenting on bugs.
  10. Do NOT reply/comment to email updates.  Instead, VIEW the post first, then comment.
  11. Post any questions, about anything to do with the beta testing, in the SS7 Android beta testing forum.  We will reply to you there. 



We are very excited about the long-awaited up and coming release of SS7 for Android and we're looking forward to working closely with everyone involved in the beta testing.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


  • 1

    I have used SSPro 4,5,6 for many years and was involved in previous bèta testing programs. I am an active astrophotographer and own a number of telescopes (eg RC6 , WO80) and mounts (eg Ioptron CEM40).

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    bertrand lesecq


    I am using SS6 plus. I use it with my Dobsonian telescope with an Equatorial platform in order to locate my target. I do only visual observing without any goto/pushto system. But I also start EEA and so connected SkySafari to a virtual ASCOM mount to my PC using ASCOM remote server and ALPACA in order to visualize plate solver result in SkySafari.

  • 1
    Keiron Smith

    Hugo, Bertrand, Mike, Marc, 

    You are all invited to the beta!  

    Please see this post regarding what we need tested and how to download the beta:

    Thanks so much for being first in line!

  • 1
    Wim De Meester


    I'm using SkySafari 6 Pro (on Mac and on Android).  I'm using SkySafari to drive my 18" Obsession telescope with ServoCat and Nexus DSC Pro.  I'm an experienced deep-sky observer and I'm also the developer of DeepskyLog, an online application to log deep-sky observations (OAL compatible). 

    I'm running SkySafari on my Nokia X20 phone, but mostly on my Lenovo Tab P11 Pro, both running on Android 12.



  • 1
    Keiron Smith

    Mike, Rene, Jean-Philippe, Stephane, Matthew, 

    You are all invited to the beta!  

    Please see this post regarding what we need tested and how to download the beta:

    Thanks for getting into the beta early!

  • 1
    Keiron Smith

    SS7 Pro is currently an OPEN beta, available to everyone.

    In Google Play Store (app on your device) > SS7 Pro (listing) > scroll to the bottom and join the beta.

    App must be uninstalled to join.


  • 0
    Mike Atkins


    I would like to join the beta program, too. I've used a few astronomy programs/apps over the years and currently run SS6 Pro for Android as it's the one I've liked the most.

    I've been an avid amateur astronomer for many years and have had both reflectors and refractors on Alt/AZ and Eq mounts. I've also taken an interest in astrophotography as well. Currently my most used scope is the Orion XX12G. It has the SynScan V5 controller and built-in WiFi. I've controlled it with the hand controller, the SynScan Pro app, and with SkySafari 6 Pro. This is also my go-to scope for star parties and outreach events.

    On the Android side I've been active at various levels of app/custom ROM development since Cupcake. Many but not all devices have been rooted/BL unlocked, and have had Roms flashed to them. I also have a Linux PC and am versed with ADB/logcat for bug/error reporting.

    My current device is the Galaxy S22 Ultra, it is unmodified and is on Android 12. I'm also interested in the Android 13 beta when Samsung starts their testing, too.


  • 0

    Hello, i'm user of SS 5 and SS6 pro. I used it with a Heq5 pro ans also as sky map for visual

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    Awesome! Thank You

    I've accepted the invitation, just waiting for the update/install to become available. If I get it today I'll start checking out the items on the list. Tomorrow is also our local group's next star party so I'm hoping to get some time in with the beta!


    I've also followed the appropriate forum and will receive alerts for new posts and comments. 


    Thanks Again!

  • 0
    Mike Atkins


    Question, is the Beta Version SkySafari Plus or will it cover Pro, too?

    I still haven't seen the update so I clicked the install link and it installed Plus. If so, that's fine but just curious as I have both Plus and Pro installed now. I'll start checking/using the items on round 1.....

  • 0
    Nicola Locatelli

    Hi, I'm Nicola from Italian skies.

    I have never used SkySafari before, because I knew it few months ago, when a friend suggested me to use it.

    I have got a Dobson GSO 12" Deluxe 300/1500 and I am a beginner in deep sky observations, so I think that SkySafari could help me to improve my skills in this filed. I would be glad to give my support to the development of this great app. 

    I will run SkySafari on a OnePlus 6T within Android 11 and I would try to install it (in emulation with WSA) also on a Surface Pro 8 within Windows 11.



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    Ludovic Gironde


    I would like to be beta tester for Android users.

    I have a Goto Skywalker 10 inch dobsonian and I do planetary and deep sky.

    I will be using the app on Android 11 with a Xiaomi 9T pro phone.

    thank you for including me in this beta test program.

    Have a good day

  • 0
    Bob Rose

    I have used Sky Safari since it first release on both IOS and Android. I have a Dob with Argo Navis to RS232 Wifi and also can test on a Nexus with wifi I do have a very early version of the SkyFi that can also be used as a test. 

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Win, Nicola, Ludovic, Bob, 

    You are all invited to the beta!  

    Please see this post regarding what we need tested and how to download the beta:

    Thanks for getting into the beta early!

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Mike Atkins, 

    At this time the beta is Plus.  In the future Pro will become available as well.


  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    No problem. I have installed the beta and am honored to beta test and aid development.

    Thank You

  • 0
    Ludovic Gironde

    Thanks you im honored too !

    I can't download beta version, when i click to playstore link i have this message : "Application not available for this account"

    However, this is the correct account I signed up here and on the red bar

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    Keiron Smith

    Ludovic Gironde, Bob Rose, please try again.  Thanks!

  • 0
    Bob Rose

    Thanks, Keiron,

    Downloading files now.

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    Chris Pohlad-Thomas

    Hello! I've been a SS user for a while and have been active with lots of other programs beta testing including Starry Night. I'd love to beta test plus and then Pro when released.

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    Len Philpot

    I've been a SkySafari Pro user since 4.x on Android. I'm a visual observer, primarily deep sky. Although I've not typically used it a lot in the past, I have an iOptron AZ Mount Pro that I can test with SkySafari. I guess I would be considered a power user. I've customized / configured quite a lot of it to my liking, added custom panoramas, etc. II was involved in previous SS Pro betas, so I guess that's where I'd land on this one.

  • 0
    John Fitzgerald

    I would like to participate in Beta.  I have been using Android SkySafari6 since it came out.   Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e.   Thank you

  • 0
    Jon Isaacs

    I would like to be part of the beta testing team for Sky Safari 7.

    I've used all the versions of Sky Safari. I was a beta tester on several versions including the first one. I typically buy both Plus and Pro but primarily use the Pro.

    I am a Star Hopper, Sky Safari 6 Pro with the galaxy and GAIA extensions serves as my charts. I use SkySafari with all my scopes, from 80 mm refractors to my 16 inch and 22 inch Dobs. I'm an all around observer, I enjoy double stars and use SS for building observing lists and star hopping doubles. I spend a lot of time in the high desert hunting down various DSOs, particularly faint galaxy's and galaxy clusters. I log my observations using SkySafari..

    I run SkySafari on my smartphone which runs Android 10 as well as several tablets. I have two tablets dedicated to Astronomy, my first string tablet which is an ONN 8 inch entry level. It's got a quad core, 2GB Ram and 32 GB storage. It running Android 11. The screen is 1280 x 800.

    Over the years, I've used a variety of tablets, mostly the Nexus 7 (2013). The $70 ONN represents are step forward because it has a polycarbonate screen so it's much tougher than the more fragile glass screens of the more expensive tablets..

    Jon Isaacs

  • 0
    Brent Knight

    Thanks for the invite. I would like to participate in the beta for SS7. I have run SS5 and SS6 on both Android and an iPad (only Android these days though). In the past, I primarily use the app for star hopping and for observing list for my visual scopes. Currently I do more EAA and I use the app for mount control and GoTo. Thanks for your consideration.

  • 0
    Cey A

    I have been using SS Pro for the last 2 years. I use it on my Pixel 2 and under Bluestacks to control my Celestron AVX mount for astrophotography.

    I have a custom horizon, 20+ observing lists, programmatically create observing lists, changed the toolbar icon order, use equipment list and use LiveSky.


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    John Sillasen

    I submitted my address twice. The 1st time it told me I had to enable cookies for Edge. I added to the enabled list in Windows 10 for Edge and it still gives me the same message and the more info button says Safari browser enablement for cookies instead of Edge. I've gotten no further.

    I've done beta testing for v. 3, 4 & 5. Skipped 6 and figured it's time to get back into the helping game again.

    John Sillasen

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    John, Cey, Brent, Jon, John, Len, Chris, 

    You are all invited to the beta!  

    Please see this post regarding what we need tested and how to download the beta:

    Thanks for getting into the beta early!

  • 0
    Tom Hayko

    I'd love to be able to help test the new version of Sky Safari for Android.

    I've been using Sky Safari since it's first release.  I use a Celestron Nexstar 8 GPS with a William Optics 66mm SD scope piggybacked (the precursor to the CPC series, not the single fork arm mounted ones), and I also have a Nexstar 6/8SE mount that I use with a Celestron Comet Catcher.

    I've also been a long time Android user, with access to multiple Android phones and Tablets.

    My Nexstar 8 GPS is mounted in my backyard observatory, and my Comet Catcher is my portable scope.

    Thanks for all the great work on Sky Safari over the years, and I look forward to continuing to use it for many years to come!

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Hello everyone!  Please remember in all reports to always include:

    1. SS7 and and version number
    2. Android device
    3. Android OS
    4. Step-by-step path to reproduce the issue
    5. Screenshots


  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    Will Do. Screen shots will be provided, too

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