Meteor Showers |
GCVS (Variable Stars) |
Local Group Bill Arnett's compilation of galaxies in the Local Group. (Macintosh or Windows) |
GCVS (Variable Stars) |
AAVSO Variable Stars The 5641 variable stars in the AAVSO catalog, compiled by Mike Fikes. (Macintosh orWindows) |
Planetary Nebulae Bill Arnett's planetary nebulae by Perek & Kohoutek. (Macintosh or Windows) |
LX200 Alignment Stars The 33 stars used to align a Meade LX200 as compiled by Bill Arnett. (Macintosh or Windows) |
SAC Doubles Bill Arnett's double stars from the Saguaro Astronomical Club. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Supernova Remnants Leigh Palmer's Galactic Supernova Remnant catalog compiled by Dr. David Green of the University of Cambridge. (Macintosh orWindows) |
Common Names Common names of Deep Sky objects compiled by Hartmut Frommert, revised by Bill Arnett. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Extrasolar Planets |
Extra-solar Planets |
Herschel 400 Compiled by Michael Desjarlais. (Macintosh orWindows) |
UGC Galaxies Uppsala General Catalog of Galaxies, compiled by Bill Arnett. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Celestron AAM Alignment Stars Markers for the 28 primary alignment stars for the Celestron Advanced AstroMaster, compiled by Greg Miller. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Finest NGC objects A subset of the NGC catalog which only includes those objects in the RASC's List of the Finest NGC objects. Compiled by Richard Weatherston. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Nexstar Alignment Stars |
Hubble Observations Small File (4 MB) (Macintosh or Windows) |
Nexstar 5/8 Catalog All 10384 numbered stars in the Nexstar 5/8 hand controller's database. Created by Alan Touchberry. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Lumicon NGC-SkyVector Digital Setting Circles Stars from the SkyVector catalog (most are variable or multiple stars). Created by Alan Touchberry. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Sky Commander Alignment Stars The 39 primary alignment stars and Pseudo North used to align the Sky Commander DSC. Compiled by Allan Keller. (Macintosh orWindows) |
SkySensor 2000 Alignment Stars The 35 alignment stars and Polaris used to align the SkySensor 2000. Compiled by Bob Hillier. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Caldwell Catalog Patrick Caldwell-Moore's list of 109 non-Messier deep-sky objects. Created by Charles Gagné. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Pulsar Catalog A catalog of 706 pulsars. Compiled by Ulf Teräs. Please check author's webpage for details. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Quasars and Active Galaxies Catalog A catalog containing more than 18 000 quasars, BL Lac objects and active galaxies. Compiled by Ulf Teräs. Please check author's webpagefor details. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Globular Clusters Catalog A catalog of 147 globular clusters in the Milky Way. Compiled by Ulf Teräs. Please checkauthor's webpage for details. (Macintosh orWindows) |
Planetary Satellites Database A catalog containing all known moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Compiled by Mike Parkes. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Covington Objects Database A database of 200 interesting stars and deep-sky objects from the book "Celestial Objects for Modern Telescopes". Compiled by Michael A. Covington. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Urban Deep Sky Database The Astronomical League’s Urban Observing list comprised of 87 deep sky objects deemed suitable for urban locations affected by light pollution. Converted to Starry Night format by Pedro Braganca. (Macintosh or Windows) |
Astonomical League's Double Stars Club |
These files are in compressed format. After you have uncompressed them, you will find both the compiled databases and the text files which they were built from. Move the files ending in ".ssd" to the "Starry Night <product name>/Sky Data" folder. Macintosh users will have to Ctrl-click on the Starry Night application and select Show Package Contents to see the Sky Data folder. The next time you run Starry Night, you should see additional options in the menus for these datasets.
The databases on this page are free to use but should not be redistributed without the author's permission. If you build a database that you would like to include on this page, please send us an email.
Very helpful information! I wish someone would build an asterism database.
I'm posting 2 recent databases I built using files from the HEASARC database. The GCVS one includes the Stars from the Wikipedia List of Nearest Stars article and the Exoplanet one is even newer than the one in the video I made about the files here "New SNP Variable Stars & Local Brown Dwarfs Database" The files were made on a Macintosh, if that matters anymore.
Hi Thomas,
I also posted your video to our Facebook page here:
Thanks so much!
When I try to build the Extrasolar planets database, I get an error: "Catalog ID invalid or out of range"
keep getting " can't be downloaded securely"