The "Weekly Sky Events" section of SkyGuide is outdated, even after I do the online update (Windows only)


    Quick Solution: Delete the mainindex.html file from the Sky Data/Conductor/Scripts/SkyGuide/Weekly_sky_events folder on your hard disk. Then select Update Comets/Asteroids/Satellites from the LiveSky menu. The new and updated file will then be downloaded.

    For more information read on:

    When you install Starry Night, all of the files that are installed on your hard disk are given the same date. This date matches the date you installed Starry Night.

    When you select Update Comets/Asteroids/Satellites from the LiveSky menu, Starry Night compares the dates of the files in both your local hard disk and on the Internet server where the latest files are stored (these files are updated weekly). The updated files from the Internet server are only downloaded if the dates of the files on your local hard disk are older than the ones on the Internet server.

    Because the files on your local hard disk have a date that match the day you installed the program, there is a chance that Starry Night will think that the files you have on your hard disk are more up to date than the ones on the Internet server. The result is that you will receive a message saying that all the files are up to date, even thou the information shown in the Weekly Sky Events section of SkyGuide continues to be outdated (usually showing events starting in August 23, 2004).

    The problem will correct itself, next time we update the files on the Internet server, thereby giving them a date that is newer than the files on your local hard disk. So one would have to wait until the next update for the Weekly Sky Events section files to be updated. It is important to note that this will only occur once – that is, after this initial wait period for the date of the files on the Internet server to be newer than the files on your local hard disk, the updates will work normally and instantaneous when you see outdated information.

    To solve this right away and get the updated Weekly Sky Events information, see the quick solution tip above.

    Future installers for Starry Night will not give files the same date as the installation date, so that the files on the Internet server are always newer.
