How does Daylight Savings Time work in Starry Night?


    When you start up Starry Night, the program checks your computer's date/time settings to find out if Daylight Saving Time is in effect for the current date, and if so, automatically adjusts the sky to account for this. If Daylight Saving Time is "on" in Starry Night, the little icon of the sun immediately to the left of the time in the Control Panel will be coloured yellow. Click on this icon to turn off Daylight Saving Time (if Daylight Savings Time is already on, clicking this icon will turn it off). Note that Starry Night only checks to see if Daylight Saving Time is in effect when you open the program. This means that you may have to turn on or off Daylight Saving Time if you change the date from within the program. For example, let's say you open the program in June. Starry Night checks with the operating system and determines that Daylight Saving Time is in effect, so the icon of the sun in the Control Panel is lit up. However, you are interested in viewing a solar eclipse in December, so you change the date in Starry Night to sometime in December. Starry Night will not automatically turn Daylight Saving Time off. You need to click on the icon of the sun to manually turn Daylight Saving Time off.
