Q: Why can't I login to this Starry Night support website?
A: Our new support system requires that you create a support account. Registration accounts and Starry Night store accounts will not work.
Q: I downloaded a free trial version of Starry Night Backyard and I need a registration number.
A: I am sorry, but the product you downloaded is so old, it is no longer supported. There are sites out there that try and give you a 'free trial' of our software but do not provide a registration number. Unfortunately, we cannot give out registration numbers for these.
Unfortunately, our software is so large that we do not offer a free trial. Please visit the this webpage for help determining which Starry Night program will be best for you: http://astronomy.starrynight.com/content/starry-night-landing-page
A: I am sorry, but the product you downloaded is so old, it is no longer supported. There are sites out there that try and give you a 'free trial' of our software but do not provide a registration number. Unfortunately, we cannot give out registration numbers for these.
Unfortunately, our software is so large that we do not offer a free trial. Please visit the this webpage for help determining which Starry Night program will be best for you: http://astronomy.starrynight.com/content/starry-night-landing-page
Q: I try to log into my Starry Night online store account and your site says that it does not recognize my email address.
A: In June of 2010, we changed our online store. In doing so, we were unable to transfer our online accounts. Fortunately, this does not mean that you are no longer in our database, but if you would like to create a new account, you can do so here: https://store.starrynight.com/customer/account/create/
Q: I have an older version of Starry Night and it will not work on my new computer.
A: Unfortunately, as operating systems progress, old software is often no longer compatible, and requires an upgrade. You'll be eligible for an upgrade discount as long as you still have your registration number. You can do so here: http://store.starrynight.com/upgrades.html
Q: What version is currently being shipped?
A: Currently, version 6.3.9 is being shipped. Once you receive the software, you will be prompted to update to the most current version, 6.4.3. This update is free. If you were not prompted to update and would like to, go here: http://www.starrynightsupport.com/softwareupdates/
Q: What are the main differences between Pro and Pro Plus?
A: There are two main differences between Pro and Pro Plus.
1) Pro Plus has Maxim DL plugin. This means if you purchase Maxim DL (http://www.cyanogen.com) you can use it with your Pro Plus, no further purchase is necessary.
2) Pro Plus also has All Sky Mosaic CCD. This gives you a larger and brighter star field - great for projecting.
What sets Pro and Pro Plus apart from the rest is they both control telescopes. If you want telescope control, you will need either Pro or Pro Plus. If not, Enthusiast may do the trick. For more product descriptions and differences, look at our comparison chart here: http://store.starrynight.com/compare.html
If you have any further questions, submit a ticket here: https://support.simulationcurriculum.com