Originally from ticket #20580.
I've just watched your video explaining the SkyWire on YouTube (dated 2011 I believe). My setup is a CPC 800 HD with alignment by StarSense. In the video it's explained that the telescope needs to be aligned first with the hand control, so I assume alignment with my StarSense should work the same and will not conflict with the operation of the SkyWire and SkySafari 4 Pro on my iPad?
My recent attempt to use a Celestron SkyQ Link 2 wifi adaptor with SkySafari failed and I think it's because it cannot be used at the same time as the StarSense.
Reply from Bill Tschumy:
Yes, you would let StarSense do the alignment and then connect with SkySafari.
Yes, with SkyQ Link you cannot simultaneously use the StarSense hand controller for alignment. The two interfaces will end up fighting each other. This works with SkyWire because you are connecting *through* the StarSense controller.
Bill Tschumy
SkySafari Developer