Should I buy CSAP or Enthusiast?


    Originally from ticket #4748.


    Hello SN,
    I am trying to decide on CSAP or a different program. I would like to know if the CSAP shows both Messier and NGC objects (that are labeled as such) or not? I can't seem to find that info in the comparison chart I found online. Also, does it show current (and well known) comets and asteroids? One more item, can you lock on to an object and move time forward and backward like the 'old' StarryNight Deluxe did from the '90's?

    Thank you,



    Hi Carol,

    CSAP is really quite basic, especially interms of menu items and functionality.

    Enthusiast cost a little more, but offers tons more in terms of features, skyguide interactives, databases, etc. You can see a list of differences here:

    You can update current comet/asteroid files in Enthusiast, and even add your own. You can lock objects, move backwards, and forwards in time. Also according to the KB articles you will get the Messier and NGCs with Enthusiast too (and not in CSAP).
