Hi V6 User,
*** Students Must Submit a Ticket Request for Assistance (See Below) ***
Unfortunately, OS X El Capitan is the end of the line for Starry Night V6. V6 is broken when installed on OS X Sierra - and we are not going to release a patch.
Note, if V6 was installed pre-Sierra, and then OS X was upgrade to Sierra, then V6 will still work.
But, if installing V6 on OS X Sierra the app will not work - you will see an error message like this:
Starry Night V7 has been under development for a number of years, and we encourage you to upgrade (with a significant discount) to V7.
V7 includes a new dynamic UI, 3D Exoplanets, 3D Suns, and so much more. You can see all the great new features available in V7 here:
If you are a student using Starry Night V6 please submit a ticket request for assistance here: