Video: Starry Night V6 | Printing Star Charts (Video)


    Print three pane star-hopping charts based on the field of view and orientation of your equipment.


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      The simulation is too small to be useful. I cannot print the star chart on my computer screen but I was able to do so when I was using an earlier version of Starry Night Backyard. My present version is Enthusiast. can you please advise?

      Thank you,

      Peer Cox

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Peter


      1. Position the sky, in the window, with the desired FOV, as you would like to print it. 
      2. Go to File ---> Print 
      3. On the Print Layout panel make sure its set the way you want. 
      4. Click OK 
      5. On the next panel that opens, in the bottom left hand corner, select PDF ---> Open PDF in Preview 
      6. Does this PDF Preview maintain the correct FOV? I think it should. 
      7. Now (in the Preview program) go to File ---> Print

      Does that work for you?

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      David Smith

      When I try to print a star chart with a different FOV the print preview is just blank.  It shows start at 150 degrees but at a lower FOV, nothing.  Help?

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi David, 

      Please update your app.  Look in Help --> Check for app updates.

      Retry the print function.  Does the issue persist?

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      Vincent J. Cozza

      I have followed your instructions on my Macintosh.  The Print page show up as a blank page, does so also in .pdf preview.  I have also tried to follow the 2003 User Guide.pdf page 26 and that is also no help; still got a blank page.  Does SNE v7 print only for Windows?  We need to get this latest version to print as well as it did in Starry Night Backyard.  

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      Vincent J. Cozza

      Hello Keiron Smith:

      Concerning inability to print Starry Night Enthusiast v.7 sky chart on a Mac, I followed your 7 steps of 2013 on my iMac using Mac OS 10.9.5.  My monochrome laser printer is Brother HL-2280DW

      The layout page is different from the black box you show. see attachment.

      As always, I get a blank page on step 5 (open .pdf in Preview) see attachment.  Hope you can fix this.


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      Vincent J. Cozza

      Hello Keiron Smith:

      Concerning inability to print Starry Night Enthusiast v.7 sky chart on a Mac, I followed your 7 steps of 2013 on my iMac using Mac OS 10.9.5.  My monochrome laser printer is Brother HL-2280DW

      The layout page is different from the black box you show. see attachment.

      As always, I get a blank page on step 5 (open .pdf in Preview) see attachment.  Hope you can fix this.


      Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 3.44.08 PM.png
      Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 3.52.58 PM.png
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      Vincent J. Cozza

      Hello Keiron Smith:

      Concerning inability to print Starry Night Enthusiast v.7 sky chart on a Mac, I followed your 7 steps of 2013 on my iMac using Mac OS 10.9.5.  My monochrome laser printer is Brother HL-2280DW

      The layout page is different from the black box you show. see attachment.

      As always, I get a blank page on step 5 (open .pdf in Preview) see attachment.  Hope you can fix this.


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      Keiron Smith

      H Vincent,

      The is a printing bug in Mac OSX & 7.1.2 that will be fixed for the 7.2. version update.  Thanks for the feedback!

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      I have the same problem.
      When will be available version 7.2?

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      I have the same problem.
      When will be available version 7.2?

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Miguel,

      The 7.2. version update will be out about March 1st, 2015.  Thanks for the feedback!