Starry Night 7: High Resolution Planetary Texture Collection


    In recent years, NASA has conducted numerous exploratory missions that provided detailed measurements of the visual appearance and physical characteristics of most of the planets and moons in our solar system. These categories include IR/UV/visible imagery, physical, chemical and geological properties of the celestial bodies.

    Measurements range from surface features to physical properties to chemical and geological characteristics. Surface features consist of topography, albedo, roughness and age. Fundamental physical properties include gravity, magnetism and temperature. Chemical and geological quantities comprise elemental composition, mineral distributions, geological maps and crustal thickness. 




    Starry Night Pro Plus 7 offers a Planetary Science Texture Compilation with over 100 additional maps. Planetary images and data were derived from the latest datasets available. The original, highest quality sources were used to produce maps with maximum fidelity. Gaps and artifacts in individual datasets were corrected with data from older or alternate sources obtained by other exploratory space missions to produce consistent, high quality images that clearly illustrate the parameters of interest.

    Light Pollution Atlas

    Callisto Color
    Callisto Gray
    Europa Color
    Europa Gray
    Ganymede Color
    Ganymede Gray
    Io Color
    Io Geology
    Io Gray
    Jupiter Color

    Mars Albedo Color
    Mars Albedo Gray
    Mars Elemental Abundance Set
    Mars Geoid
    Mars Geological Map
    Mars Gravity
    Mars Magnetic Field
    Mars MDIM
    Mars Roughness
    Mars Surface Dust Index
    Mars Thermal Inertia
    Mars Topo Jade
    Mars Topo Spectrum
    Mars Viking Color
    Mars Viking MDIM Merged
    Mars Viking Shaded
    MOC color
    MOC gray

    Messenger Color
    Messenger Gray
    Mercury Messenger Color
    Mercury Messenger Gray

    Clementine Color
    Clementine False Color
    Clementine Gray
    Clementine Iron
    Clementine Mineral Ratio
    Clementine Optical Maturity
    Lunar Gravity
    Moon Crustal Thickness
    Moon Elemental Abundance Set
    Moon Geoid
    Moon LROC Gray
    Moon Roughness
    Moon Temperature
    Moon Topo
    Moon Illusion Beetle
    Moon Illusion Lady
    Moon Illusion Lady Reading Book
    Moon Illusion Man In Moon
    Moon Illusion Rabbit
    Moon Illusion St. George

    Dione Gray
    Enceladus Color
    Enceladus Gray
    Iapetus Color
    Iapetus Gray
    Mimas Gray
    Phoebe Gray
    Rhea Gray
    Saturn Bjorn Jonsson
    Saturn Hubble
    Tethys Gray
    Titan Color
    Titan Gray
    Titan IR
    Titan Lakes
    Titan Topo
    Titan Topo scale

    Ca II 3933A
    FeIX-FeX 171A
    FeIX-FeX 171APNG Tiles
    FeVII 195A
    He II 304A

    Venus Geoid
    Venus Gravity
    Venus Magellan Color
    Venus Magellan Gray
    Venus Topo

    Vesta Gray
    Vesta Rock Types
    Vesta Topo


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      Jeffry Turner (DaltonSkyGazer)

      The new planetary mapping features are outstanding! You put lots of effort into the mapping additions and it shows.


      Thanks Much

      Jeff Turner