Does SkySafari 4 Plus work with a Celestron SkyQ Link 2?


    I have a Celestron CPC 1100 Deluxe HD that I'm trying to control using SkyQ Link 2 with Celestron SkyPortal on my iPhone 5s.  Celestron has been unable to resolve a persistent  "Connection Failure" error after replacing the SkyQ Link module and using a "pristine startup" procedure.  I am considering replacing SkyPortal with SkySafari 4 Plus and would like to know, before I purchase the app, if a CPC 1100/SkyQ Link 2/SkySafari 4 Plus combination works.


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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Rick, 

      I would like to know better about the issue encountered, and what has been tried by Celestron to resolve this issue.  Do you have an email correspondence that can be forwarded to me?  I'm interested in an email from Celestron that explains the issue clearly, if possible.  If so, please send it to ksmith (@)

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      Ron Bokleman

      I'm having the same issue.  I have a Celestron AVX EQ Mount and the SkyQ Link 2 WiFi.  SkySafari 4.0 Pro won't connect to the WiFi module.  It's not the WiFi module as my iPad connects just fine.  My MacBook Pro Retina successfully connects to the the SkyQLink WiFi.  Any ideas?

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Ron,

      At the moment, Evolution and SkyQ Link are not supported on OSX - this is because at this time development for Evolution and SkyQ Link is determined by Celestron.

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      Paid allot for skysafari 4 app, how can I make it work with a SkyQLink2?

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      Keiron Smith

      Hi Jerry, 

      Are you using SkySafari 4 on OSX?  As stated in the original post, SkyQ is not supported on OSX as it has not been requested by Celestron.  If you are using SkySafari 4 on iOS or Android please submit a ticket request for assistance.  Also, I believe Bill Tschumy is going to contact you regarding your query. 


      Hang in there!

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      Jeff Lehman

      I am using a iPad Pro (IOS 10) with SkySafari Pro. I have a Celestron NexStar 6SE and the SkyPortal WiFi Module. I am attempting to connect the scope to SkySafari Pro. I can get the the iPadPro to connect to the SkyPortal WiFi Module, but when I go into the Communication Settings of SkySafari Pro I cannot get it to connect. Do you have a link to some detailed instructions, or can you provide me with a solution to this issue?

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      Jeff Lehman

      Please disregard my post above. I read the instructions (imagine that) in the SkySafari Pro app and saw that I had to select "Celestron Wifi" as my scope instead of the actual scope. After I did that it connected right away!