SkySafari 5 | Storage


    Cloud Storage

    SkySafari 5 Plus and Pro allow you to store observing lists and saved settings files in the cloud so they will be available and up to date on all your devices.

    Note: Cloud storage is only available in SkySafari Plus and Pro. It's not available in the basic version.

    Enabling Cloud Storage

    You enable cloud syncing from the Storage settings panel. You may choose to store the files locally, on iCloud Drive or on Google Drive. The later option should be chosen if you run SkySafari on both iOS and Android devices and want files shared between them.

    You must have iCloud Drive enabled in your iOS Settings to use iCloud Drive storage. To use storage on Google Drive you must have an active Google account. SkySafari will ask you to sign into this the first time you use it.

    Uploading and Downloading

    Changed files are uploaded to the cloud only when you quit the app or put it into the background. It can take several minutes for those changes to propagate to your other devices. For iCloud Drive, files that have changed in the cloud should be automatically downloaded to your device any time SkySafari is active. If a file doesn't appear to be downloading, try putting SkySafari in the background and then bring it to the foreground again. For Google Drive, files are downloaded each time SkySafari is brought to the foreground.

    File Conflicts

    File conflicts can occur if the same file is modified on two devices within a short amount of time or when you don't have internet access on one or both devices. Conflicts are resolved by choosing the most recent modification. The two sets of changes will not be merged

    DSS Cache Storage

    The DSS Cache Storage setting controls how much space is allotted to storing Deep Sky Survey images downloaded from the Object Info view. When the allotted storage is filled, older images are automatically discarded.
